SPC Geoscience Division

High Level Meeting Shows Way Forward For Seabed Mineral Mining

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Delegates at the three-day Deep Sea Mineral Mining “high level” workshop have identified key issues that need to be addressed towards the commercialization of deep seabed mining in the Pacific Region. The workshop was held from June 6-8 in Fiji.

The workshop, organised by SPC/SOPAC, and funded by the EU, focused on legislative, regulatory, capacity requirements, and the environment, all pertaining to deep sea minerals and mining, in its roster of issues.

It is part of a four-year EU-funded project, headed by Deep Sea Minerals Project Leader, Akuila Tawake that will develop the legislative and technical framework to help countries in the region implement laws to regulate seabed mining.

Last Updated on Monday, 27 June 2011 08:57

Papua New Guinea Ready For Seabed Mining

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For the first time a major step forward in the development of seabed mining is now in place with the granting of the mining lease to Nautilus Minerals for the development of the Solwara 1 project in the Bismarck Sea in Papua New Guinea.

The mine operation, located 30 kilometres from the coast of New Ireland and at a depth of 1600 metres, is expected to begin by the end of 2013 with the mining of ‘high grade’ Seafloor Massive Sulphide deposits that contain copper, gold, silver, zinc and lead.

While the project is unique as the world’s first seabed mine, the lease arrangements themselves are a reflection of the evolving legislative and regulatory process in Papua New Guinea since the 1970’s.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 June 2011 16:30

Deep Sea Mineral Workshop Opened By SPC/SOPAC Division's Howorth

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More than l00 delegates from around the world are attending a three-day workshop in Nadi, from today through June 8, to explore the development of deep-sea mineral mining in the Pacific.

In opening the Deep Sea Minerals Project, Dr. Russell Howorth, Director, SOPAC a division of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, said that the objective of the workshop is to expand the economic resource base of Pacific ACP States.

Last Updated on Monday, 06 June 2011 19:04

Experts To Participate In Deep Sea Minerals Regional Workshop

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Some of the world’s leading specialists on issues relating to deep sea minerals will attend a three-day workshop from June 6 through June 8 in Nadi.

The Deep Sea Minerals Project, administered by SOPAC, a division of SPC, and funded by EU will address legislative, regulatory, capacity requirements and environmental issues pertaining to deep sea minerals and mining for countries in the Pacific region over a four-year period.

Deep Sea Minerals Project Team Leader, Akuila Tawake, said that the project would work towards ensuring that sustainable seabed mineral resources management would bring tangible benefits to Pacific Island countries and their people.

Last Updated on Thursday, 02 June 2011 10:19

Workshop to set platform for management of Deep Seabed Minerals

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A major project to address legislative, regulatory, capacity requirements and environmental issues pertaining to deep sea mineral mining for countries in the Pacific region will be launched at a three-day workshop from June 6 through June 8 in Nadi.

The Deep Sea Minerals Project, administered by SOPAC, a division of SPC, and funded by EU, is to develop a legislative and regulatory framework for deep-sea mineral mining over a four-year period.

“This will help ensure that sustainable resource management would bring tangible benefits to Pacific Island Countries and their people”, said Akuila Tawake, Deep Sea Minerals Project Team Leader.

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 May 2011 05:41

Timor Leste Moves Towards Mining Regulation

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While some island countries in the Pacific have developed basic laws to govern terrestrial (land) and seabed mineral mining, according to Vincent da Costa Pinto who is representing Timor Leste. His country has none.

Mr. da Costa Pinto is in Fiji attending the Deep Sea Mineral Project workshop organized by SOPAC, a division of the South Pacific Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

The workshop is addressing legislative, regulatory, capacity requirements and environmental issues pertaining to deep-sea minerals in Pacific region. The project is for a four-year period.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 08 June 2011 19:38

Snapshot 69 - Disaster Reduction Programme - May 2011

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From the Managers Desk

The Pacific delegation had a strong representation at the 2001 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction which was held in Geneva, Switzerland from 8th – 13th May. In this issue we provide you with a few of the country statements that were presented at the Platform.

On the ‘home front’ the work on Joint National Action Plans for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management (JNAP) continue to gain momentum. Recently, the initial request from Tuvalu for SOPAC and SPREP support to develop a Climate Change Policy has blossomed into a full blown JNAP exercise.

We have the latest on this and other happenings within. Enjoy!

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Mosese Sikivou
Deputy Director - Disaster Reduction Programme

Last Updated on Monday, 06 June 2011 19:01

Pacific Islanders make their case in Geneva

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Pacific Island delegates told participants attending the Third Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction that their countries and territories remain highly disaster prone and that the region is threatened by a variety of natural hazards of geological and meteorological origin, according to Dr. Russell Howorth, Director SOPAC, a division of SPC.Dr. Howorth was part of the Pacific delegation included in the 2,700 representatives from 168 governments who attended the conference convened by the UN International Secretariat for Disaster Reduction (UN-ISDR) in Geneva 9-13 May.

UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon, who was the keynote speaker, noted that the aim of the conference was to reduce disaster risk through technology, knowledge and economic tools, and called for accelerating efforts in building resilience and a coalition of action for disaster risk reduction.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 May 2011 11:26

SPC and Wallis and Futuna sign agreements to reduce natural disaster risk

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Tuesday 17 May 2011, Mataa‘Utu, Wallis and Futuna – Wallis and Futuna will receive technical expertise and funding from the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) to mitigate the risks of natural disasters facing the territory. A signing ceremony took place today in Mataa’ Utu, bringing together the European Union, SPC, and the Administration Supérieure (Office of the Chief Administrator for the territory of Wallis and Futuna).

The agreement worth €387,000 will support Wallis and Futuna in enhancing the safety of its people and infrastructure in the face of natural disasters, particularly tsunamis. Unlike the island of Wallis, the island of Futuna is highly exposed to tsunamis, as it lacks a coral reef.

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 May 2011 05:40

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Common threats based on similar geography and vulnerabilities of small islands, has been a major influence on the increased cooperation between the Caribbean and Pacific Regions.

Two of the major players in this developing relationship are SOPAC, a division of SPC, and CDEMA (Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency).

The Executive Director of CDMEA, Jeremy Collymore has been instrumental in fostering the exchanges between the two regions. that have led to a growing recognition of the range of learning capabilities, and practices for improving effective disaster prevention and management at the national level.