SPC Geoscience Division

Reducing Disaster Risks In The Pacific Islands

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Dr. Russell Howorth told delegates that to reduce risk and vulnerability from disasters confronting Pacific Island countries and territories, a number of important issues must be addressed “in an integrated manner at a national level and supported by regional and international partners.”

Dr. Howorth, who is the Director of SOPAC, a Division of SPC, was speaking to more than 200 delegates at the 3rd Session of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management.  The meeting is being held from August 1 thru 5 at the Holiday Inn in Auckland.

He said a critical issue is no matter how climate patterns may change; the impact of hazards must still be managed on a day-to-day basis.

Last Updated on Sunday, 07 August 2011 10:39

Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management Launches UN report warning of rising economic losses due to disasters and climate change in the Pacific

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The risk of dying in a flood or tropical cyclone in the Pacific region is today only a third of what it was in 1990 says a United Nations report titled Revealing Risk, Redefining Development. This 2011 edition of the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR11) will be launched in Auckland (New Zealand) on 3 August at the Third Session of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management.

The Pacific Platform is the region’s foremost gathering of over 200 national and regional disaster risk management stakeholders. Officials from 22 Pacific island countries and territories will meet with experts to address concerns relating to reducing the risks of disasters and the impact of climate change affecting regional development.

Last Updated on Thursday, 04 August 2011 09:06

Major Meeting On Disaster Reduction For The Pacific Region

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In one of the most important regional meetings of the year, top officials from 22 Pacific island countries and territories will meet with experts from around the world to address growing concerns relating to reducing the risks of disasters and the impacts of climate change that are affecting development in the Pacific Region.

The meeting, the 3rd Session of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) will be held in New Zealand at the Auckland Airport Holiday Inn from August 1 thur 5.

Mr. Mosese Sikivou, Deputy Director of the SPC/SOPAC Disaster Reduction Programme, said “essentially the meeting is to provide Pacific island countries and territories with a way forward in terms of developing an integrated regional strategy for DRM and Climate Change by 2015.

Last Updated on Friday, 29 July 2011 11:20

Regional Water experts meet to address Pacific’s Water and Sanitation Issues

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Tuesday, July 26, Rarotonga, Cook Islands -  Delegates from Pacific Islands countries gathered in Rarotonga, the Cook Islands today for a week long meeting to discuss the region’s water and sanitation issues. They were reminded that finding solutions to pressing water and sanitation problems was urgent and vital to the future development and health of the Pacific’s people and environment.

“The work we are here to discuss, and plan a way forward for, represents one of the region’s most critical struggles, the struggle to protect the rights of men, women, boys and girls to safe water and sanitation,” said Dr Russell Howorth Director of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community’s Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC).

Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 July 2011 15:19

Approval for mining plan

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THE International Seabed Authority's Council has approved applications for seabed exploration work plans from Nauru, Tonga, China and Russia.

A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation stated that the applications were recommended for the council's approval by the Legal and Technical Commission of the authority.

"Fiji and Pacific Island countries are represented on this commission by Dr. Russell Howorth, the director of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community's Suva-based Applied Geoscience and Technology Division - SOPAC," the statement said.

Last Updated on Friday, 22 July 2011 13:59

Opening Address - 3rd Session of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management

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Check Against Delivery

Honourable Minister, Craig Foss, Minister for Civil Defence & Emergency Management and Chair of the 2011 Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management; Honourable Minister Mark Brown, Minister Finance, Cook Islands, Representatives of national, regional and international organisations,
Colleagues, old friends and new friends,

On behalf of the Director GeneraI of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), Dr Jimmie Rodgers, I have the privilege to welcome to the 3rd Session of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management.

Last Updated on Thursday, 04 August 2011 09:07

Welcome Address - Third Regional Steering Committee for the Pacific Integrated Water Resources Management Project

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Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 25-30 July 2011

Honourable Teariki Heather, Minister of Infrastructure and Planning, Distinguished delegates from the Cook Islands, Representatives of Member Countries, Representatives of donor partners the GEF, UNDP, UNEP, EU,  and Representatives of supporting international, regional, and national agencies, colleagues and staff from MOIP and the WSP of the SOPAC Division of SPC.

On behalf of Dr Rodgers, Director General of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, I would like to welcome you all to Third Regional Steering Committee for the Pacific IWRM Project, convened here in Rarotonga.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 July 2011 15:20

PREEN Newsletter - Issue 04 June 2011

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It is with great pleasure that we present to you the June 2011 edition of the PREEN (Pacific Resource and Environmental Economics Network) Newsletter. New REE activity in the Pacific during the past six months includes the launch of a new blog at the SPC Land Resource Division, numerous new publications and several snippets concerning events and research news. We hope you will enjoy our selection of Pacific REE updates and we thank you for your Newsletter contributions.

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Last Updated on Sunday, 24 July 2011 15:56

Nadi bay and rivers improved, says global water expert

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VISITING global water management authority Doctor Alfred Duda said since his inaugural visit to Fiji 12 years ago, vast improvements have been made in an attempt to improve water quality in the Nadi Bay area.

Doctor Duda said he noticed during his first trip to Fiji in 1999 that rivers flowing into Nadi Bay were brownish in colour, signifying large deposits of sediment onto reef systems.

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 July 2011 08:59

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Ms Kathryn Hawley, The Asia Foundation's Director - Pacific Program welcomes SOPAC staff to the grant and financial management workshop. Manila based TAF staff: Ms Maricel Dela Cruz and Ms Cynthia Ramirez are pictured with the workshop participants.

The Asia Foundation conducted Grant and Financial Management Training this month for SOPAC as part of the Foundation’s commitment to it’s partners. The two half-day session were conducted by the Director of Finance and Administration, Maricel Dela Cruz, assisted by Cynthia Ramirez, the Grants & Administrative Assistant, both from the Foundation’s Philippines office. Their visit was coordinated by TAF’s Director Pacific Program, Kathryn Hawley. The training provided those who attended a greater understanding of how the Foundation makes and manages grants in support of project activities. At the end of the sessions, the participants, from both the finance unit and the community risk program, have a stronger appreciation and clearer perspective on how to more effectively manage grants – substantively and financially.