SPC Geoscience Division

GIS In The Pacific

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EVERY effort will be made to ensure that Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing are adequately resourced to serve the needs of the Pacific region, says SOPAC director Doctor Russell Howorth. He made the comment while opening the 2011 Pacific Islands Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing Conference on Monday.

"The goal of SOPAC is to apply geoscience and technology to realise new opportunities for improving the livelihoods of Pacific communities. GIS and remote sensing is clearly a technology which can contribute to realising improving livelihoods," said Howorth.

GIS is a computer-based tool used to collect, combine and overlay information in the form of easily understood maps constructed from up-to-date satellite images and field data, while remote sensing is the collection of information about the earth from a distance.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 November 2011 09:03

Welcome Remarks - International Wokshop on Deep Sea Minerals

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Welcome Remarks - Dr. Russell Howorth, Director – SOPAC Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

Honourable Minister Timoci Natuva, Minister of Works and Public Utilities here in Fiji
His Excellency Dr Nii Oduntun, Secretary General of the International Seabed Authority
Distinguished Guests representing Pacific Island countries, and countries from around the world, academia, regional and international intergovernmental and nongovernmanetal organisations, and the private sector.
Colleagues and staff from the Fiji Government, ISA and SOPAC

Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 November 2011 08:54

Snapshots 72 - DISASTER REDUCTION PROGRAMME - October 2011

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From the Managers Desk

We have just completed the first annual meeting of the SOPAC Division of the SPC. Now no longer a separate regional intergovernmental organisation the former membership of the SOPAC Council as it was known up to 2010 was 'reconstituted' as the SOPAC Division Meeting.

The meeting included the reporting of work programme delivery by each of the threee SOPAC technical programme areas.

Importantly, the meeting endorsed a process for the development of an integrated regional strategy for Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation by 2015.

Such a strategy would succeed the existing Pacific Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management Framework for Action 2005 - 2015 and the Pacific Islands Framework for Action on Climate Change 2006 - 2015.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 09:23

Pacific Wide Drill Tests Tsunami Preparedness

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Wednesday November 9, 2011, Suva, Fiji - A Pacific wide exercise to test and improve the emergency response to tsunamis took place today with 20 Pacific Islands Countries, including Australia and New Zealand, running simulations and drills.

Known as Pacific Wave 11, the exercise asked countries to pick one of 10 regional or local tsunami scenarios to react to. The hypothetical tsunamis were created by powerful earthquakes off the shores of either Russia, Ryukyu Islands, west and east of the Philippines, Vanuatu, Tonga, Chile, Ecuador, Central America, and Aleutian Islands. Fiji, for example, is basing their scenario on a magnitude 8.9 earthquake in the Tonga trench, while Palau is basing theirs on a massive earthquake in the Philippine Trench.

Last Updated on Thursday, 17 November 2011 12:14

PNG and petroleum – an indelible experience

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Having spent much of his working life in Papua New Guinea, petroleum geologist Michael McWalter has seen the development of the petroleum industry within PNG, and has come to call that country his home.

“I haven’t lived in England for oodles of time, so yes, PNG is very much home,” said Mr McWalter, Advisor to the PNG Department of Petroleum and Energy while attending the Annual Directors’ meeting of the Circum-Pacific Council, held this year in conjunction with the mid-October SPC/SOPAC Division’s STAR meeting in Nadi.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 09:41

Delegates from Pacific French Territories and Pitcairn Island, in Fiji to exchange ideas on water, sanitation and disaster management

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In a Pacific first, a delegation of 14 representatives from four Pacific Overseas Countries/Territories (OCTs) met in Nadi, Fiji for a meeting to exchange information and ideas on issues around water, sanitation and disaster risk management.

The exchange between French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis & Futuna, Pitcairn Island and Fiji reflects the growing interaction and increased closeness between Pacific OCTs and other Pacific Island Countries (PICS).

The OCT delegates toured Nadi to learn more about local activities to improve water, sanitation and disaster preparedness. They visited downtown Nadi to see the effects of the 2009 floods and also visited sites that are part of a Global Environment Facility (GEF) demonstration project, which aims to use Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) to reduce the impact of flooding in the area.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 09:22

2nd Annual Partners’ Meeting – Supporting Disaster Risk Reduction in Pacific OCTs Project

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Tuesday 15 November, 2011Opening Address by Dr Russell Howorth – Director of the SOPAC Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)

Colleagues, may I start by first welcoming you all to the Second Annual Partners Meeting for the Supporting Disaster Risk Reduction in the Pacific Project for the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) and funded by the EU from the 9th European Development Fund.

You will of course all be aware that this Project is benefitting from the outcome of the Regional Institutional Reform process (otherwise known as the RIF process) which has resulted in SOPAC the Commission becoming SOPAC the Applied Geoscience and Technology Division of the SPC from January 1st of this year.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 09:24

Need to monitor for responsible seabed mining practices

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Careful monitoring before, during and after the impending deep seabed mineral mining off the shores of Papua New Guinea will provide the hard data that will guide the responsible deep seabed mining practices of the future.

This is the view of Dr Charles (Chuck) Fisher, Professor of Biology, Penn State University USA, who made a presentation at the recent STAR meeting.

STAR (the Science, Technology and Resources Network) is an integral part of the SPC/SOPAC Division annual meeting that took place mid-October in Nadi, Fiji.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 09:41

International Day for Disaster Reduction

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The International Disaster Risk Reduction Day in Papua New Guinea was marked at a special event organised by the National Disaster Centre of Papua New Guinea and supported by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC).  

Representatives from key National Government Departments, I/NGOs and Donor partners, UN agencies attended the commemoration ceremony.  School children from four schools in Port Moresby also attended the commemoration ceremony.

Last Updated on Thursday, 10 November 2011 12:12

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Welcome to the first newsletter from the SPC-EU Pacific Deep Sea.

The SPC-EU Pacific Deep Sea Minerals Project is helping Pacific Island countries to improve the governance and management their deep-sea minerals resources. The Project is helping the  countries to improve legal frameworks, increase technical capacity and to develop effective monitoring systems.

The Pacific Deep Sea Minerals Project is funded by the European Union and managed by SOPAC, the Applied Geoscience & Technology Division of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, on behalf of 15 Pacific Island Countries: the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

The 4-year (2011-2014) SPC-EU Pacific Deep Sea Minerals Project is the first major initiative designed to regulate this new activity in a coordinated way within the Pacific Region. The  national €4.4 million governments EU-funded develop project the is designed legal, fiscal to help and environment management frameworks needed to ensure that any exploitation of deep sea minerals will directly support national economic development while also minimizing any negative impacts on the environment and local communities.

In This Issue:

  • Tonga Workshop Builds Vital Contract Negotiation Skills
  • SPC Director, Dr Jimmie Rodgers talks Deep Sea Minerals
  • Tonga Workshop Highlights Need for Greater Integration between Government & Civil Society Organisations
  • Staff Profile: Akuila Tawake
  • Project Highlights
  • Upcoming Events

Download Full Issue