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Regional Framework

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Pacific DRR & DM Framework for Action

FrameworkThe Regional Framework for Action directly supports the development and implementation of policies and plans for the mitigaion and management of natural disasters, which is one of the key initiatives of the Kalibobo Roadmap, that reinforces the objectives of the Pacific Plan.

Vision : Safer more resilient Pacific island nations and communities to disasters, so that Pacific peoples may achieve sustainable livelihoods and lead free and worthwhile lives.

Mission : Building capacity of Pacific island communities by accelerating the implementation of disaster risk reduction and disaster management policies, planning and programmes to address current and emerging challenges through :

a.) development and strengthening of disaster risk reduction and disaster management, including mitigation, preparedness, response and relief/recovery systems;

b.) integration of disaster risk reduction and disaster management into national sustainable development planning and decision-making processes at all levels; and

c.) strengthening partnerships between all stakeholders in disaster risk reduction and disaster management.

In September 2015, the Pacific Island Forum Leaders extended the Regional Framework for Action for one year. The official Forum Leaders Communique  for the 46th Pacific Island Forum Leaders Meeting in Papua New Guinea on the 7th to the 11th of September 2015, can be viewed here

Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 December 2015 12:23  


In mid-April Micronesian countries met for the first time in Majuro, The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), to look at ways to improve water and sanitation throughout the region.

Delegates from Palau, Guam, the Federated States of Micronesia, and RMI gathered to establish a Micronesian Water Committee, as a permanent working group of the Micronesian Chief Executives Summit’s (MCES).

In opening the meeting, RMI’s Acting President, Mr Ruben R. Zackhras, said that the fast pace of urbanization had led to tremendous pressure on demand for water and sanitation and that in many countries water had to go from being an abundant resource to one of scarcity. He also reminded delegates that globally water resources are in crisis.