SPC Geoscience Division

Integration is key to Nadi basin woes

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GLOBAL water management expert Doctor Alfred Duda commended disaster preparation and water management programs in the Western Division.

Dr Duda, a senior adviser on International Waters for the Global Environment Facility, toured a GEF-funded demonstration project to observe how government agencies and communities work together to better prepare for and reduce impacts of floods.

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 July 2011 09:13

A need for compatible systems

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FIJI has to ensure that river and rainfall monitoring systems are compatible. And most importantly the data produced has to reach the relevant authorities as quick as possible.

Regional Integrated Water Resource Management project co-ordinator Mark Wilson made the comment while visiting the Fiji Meteorological head office in Namaka on Monday.

"We already have a compatibility problem with the Japan International Cooperation Agency setting up a totally foreign system of rain and river gauges in Ba despite us asking them to use the systems similar to what we have set up here in Nadi," he said.

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 July 2011 09:13

SOPAC grabs first regatta victory

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The first of two Suva Business House Paddling regattas was held Saturday at the USP Mariner in Laucala Bay.

Surprise winners SOPAC took top honours and Fiji Outrigger media liaison Katarina Morris says there has been tremendous improvement amongst the corporate teams. A total of 26 teams participated in the first of four local regattas.

Last Updated on Monday, 27 June 2011 09:30

PREEN Newsletter - Issue 04 June 2011

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It is with great pleasure that we present to you the June 2011 edition of the PREEN Newsletter, detailing interesting Resource and Environmental Economics activity in the Pacific over the past 6 months. Such activity includes the launch of a new SPC Land Resources Devision blog, several new publications covering a range of issues from water economics to disaster economics, and several other snippets concerning news and event updates.

We hope that you enjoy this latest edition and please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries or comments.

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Federica Gerber
ODI Natural Resource Economist

Last Updated on Monday, 27 June 2011 08:55

Setting Regulations for Seabed Exploration

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“Rules that govern mineral resource related activities in the international seabed area should be basically the same, or of an equivalent standard, as those now being developed inside the national jurisdictions of Pacific Island countries,” said Michael Lodge, Legal Counsel for the International Seabed Authority (ISA).

Mr. Lodge was invited to contribute to a three-day High Level Meeting recently held in Fiji that launched the Deep Sea Minerals Project organized by SPC/SOPAC Division and funded by the EU.

The High Level Meeting addressed legislative, regulatory, capacity requirements and environmental issues pertaining to deep-sea mineral mining for countries in the Pacific region.

Last Updated on Monday, 27 June 2011 08:56

Fiji Ambassador elected International Seabed Authority President

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15 JULY 2011 SUVA (MINFO) - The Assembly of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) has elected Fiji’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Peter Thomson, as its President for the ISA’s annual session currently underway in Kingston, Jamaica.

The Assembly is the supreme body of the ISA, consisting of delegations from 161 member states. Following in the footsteps of former Fiji Ambassador and ISA Secretary-General, Satya Nandan, Fiji has played a prominent role at the ISA since its inception.

ISA was established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and Fiji was the first signatory to the Convention on 10th December, 1982.

Last Updated on Friday, 15 July 2011 12:11

Seabed mineral regulations necessary for Samoa

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At the three-day ‘high level’ Deep Sea Minerals Mining Meeting workshop key issues were identified that need to be addressed towards the commercialisation of deep seabed mining in the Pacific region.

The EU funded, SPC/SOPAC Division-organised Meeting workshoptook place from June 6 to 8 in Fiji, and focused on legislative, regulatory, capacity requirements, and the environment, all of which pertain to deep-sea minerals and mining.

Representing Samoa at the workshop was Mr. Lameko Talia, Principal Scientific Officer, Geology and Geophysics of the Meteorology Division of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, who said that the issues raised had shown the imperative for Samoa to put regulatory policy in place, and for a review of existing seabed mineral data.

Last Updated on Monday, 27 June 2011 08:55

Korea's Interest In Deep Sea Minerals In The Pacific Region

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The surge in deep seabed minerals exploration interests in the Pacific Islands region in recent years has attracted much attention within and outside of the region. This could be the beginning of significant investment in the offshore minerals industry as new players have joined in the search for seabed minerals.

Apart from the region’s traditional development partners such as Australia, United Kingdom and Canada, Korea has shown great interest in exploring the potential of these seabed resources for mining.

Last Updated on Monday, 27 June 2011 08:56

Cooks Lynch Learns From Seabed Mineral Workshop

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Only three months ago Paul Lynch thought the chances of successfully mining the manganese nodules that cover a large area of his country’s seabed was ‘virtually’ impossible.  He does not think so anymore.

Mr. Lynch, is a Cook Islands lawyer and the Senior Legal advisor to the Office of the Minister of Minerals and Natural Resources. He was in Fiji recently attending the SPC SOPAC Division Deep Sea Minerals Meeting, funded by the EU, on behalf of his Minister, the Honourable Tom Marsters.

Last Updated on Monday, 27 June 2011 08:56

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The small Polynesian island nation of Tuvalu has been the focus of climate change impacts for years.  The four reef islands and five true atolls that make up Tuvalu only just break the surface of the surrounding Pacific Ocean and have an average height of 1 metre above sea level. Tuvalu’s geography and location poses many challenges to the people that live there.

The atolls are regularly inundated by high tides and storms and freshwater is scarce. The contamination of groundwater from septic pollution, salt water intrusion and piggeries means rainwater is the only reliable source of drinking water. Population growth and development has resulted in food security issues and problems with waste management.