On 17 October 2007, at the 38th Pacific Islands Forum, Leaders expressed "the need to rationalise the functions of the Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) with the work programmes of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) with the view to absorbing those functions of SOPAC into SPC and SPREP" (para. 19b of the Forum Leaders' Communique of 2007).
Following that, at the 36th SOPAC Session (AS36) in November 2007, the SOPAC Governing Council decided on a way forward <Decision> in response to Para.19b of the Forum Leaders’ 2007 Communiqué. This page was created to track milestone events and associated documentation for the SOPAC Secretariat.
On 21 August 2008 (Fiji Time) the Forum Leaders' Communique 2008 released after the Leaders met in Niue reaffirmed the Leaders' 2007 decision, clarified timelines, and issued directives to governing councils of affected organisations to take final decisions on the new institutional arrangements during 2009, and for implementation to commence immediately following those decisions (Para. 20 of 2008 Communique).
In July 2009, at an unprecedented joint SPC, SPREP and SOPAC governing councils' meeting, chaired by the Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Members apportioned the SOPAC functions and programmes that would transfer to SPC and those that would transfer to SPREP.
On 6 August 2009, the Pacific Forum Leaders at their 40th Meeting in Cairns, Australia, noted the decisions of the governing bodies of SPC, SPREP and SOPAC that met jointly in July 2009.
At the 38th SOPAC Session in October 2009, the SOPAC Governing Council in recognising the challenge to meet the January 2010 timeline set by Leaders in Niue in 2008, while complying with the timelines and legal requirements of the “Agreement Establishing SOPAC” adopted a resolution that called for the development of integration agreements between SOPAC and the receiving organisations (SPC and SPREP).
On 6 August 2010, at the 41st Forum Leaders' Meeting, Leaders "welcomed the signing at their Plenary Session on 4 August 2010 of the Letter of Agreement between SPC and SOPAC relating to the final transfer of the core functions. Leaders acknowledged the importance of ensuring adequate resources for SOPAC's functions beyond the RIF to ensure that the overall level of service is not diminished."
In October 2010, the SOPAC Governing Council took the decision to suspend the Commission, delegating the role to oversee the closure of the Commission to the Director General of SPC assisted by a troika comprising the past Chair (Vanuatu), the current Chair (Australia) and the 2010 Vice-Chair (Cook Islands).
Suspension of SOPAC Commission
On 7 August 2012, “Director-General [of the SPC] Dr Jimmie Rodgers, presented to [a] Special Session of [the] CRGA a joint letter signed between Dr Russell Howorth in his capacity as Director of SOPAC Commission and himself confirming the full and effective closure of the SOPAC Commission. The Director General advised the meeting that all the requirements for the formal closure of the Commission had now been completed with the finalisation of its closing audit. In this regard the joint letter was the final communication confirming the ‘Letter of Agreement of August 2010’ [as] fully implemented.”
- CROP Charter 2004
- Pacific Plan 2005
- Pacific Plan 2006
- The Eminent Persons’ Group Review of the Pacific Islands Forum/Sir Julius Chan & others, April 2004
- Strengthening Regional Management – A Review of the Architecture for Regional Cooperation in the Pacific/Anthony Hughes, August 2005 [Consultative Draft]
- Reforming the Pacific Regional Institutional Framework/Kaliopate Tavola & others, August 2006
- The Pathway Towards Quality of Service from Pacific Regionalism/Lou Pangelinan & others, June 2007
- Presentations at First Programme Trilateral, 15-16 May 2008
- i) Facilitation
- ii) SPREP
- iii) SPC Overview
- iv) SPC Human Development Programme
- v) SPC Social Resources Division
- vi) SPC Public Health Programme
- vii) SPC Land Resources Division
- viii) SPC Marine Resources Division
- ix) SOPAC Overview
- x) SOPAC Ocean and Islands Programme
- xi) SOPAC Community Risk Programme
- xii) SOPAC Community Lifelines Programme
- xiii) SOPAC Social economics work
- i) AS28/11.8 The SPC-SOPAC Relationship: A Planning Sequence for Integration
- ii) AS28/11.8 Suppl The SPC-SOPAC Relationship Planning Sequence: A modified terms of reference
- iii) Discussion Summary excerpted from the 28th SOPAC Session Proceedings, pg. 33
- iv) PS28, App.8b Expanded Summary of Discussion under Item 11.8
Pre-AS36 Documentation, August-November? 2007
AS36, Nuku’alofa Tonga, 22-28 November 2007
Post AS36, December 2007 to February 2008
1st Meeting of the SOPAC Council Committee of the Whole (SCW)
SOPAC Secretariat, 19th March 2008
1 Adoption of Agenda
2 Documentation
3 Actions since Council Meeting
4 Purpose of the SCW
5 Terms of Reference for the work of the SCW
6 Institutional Arrangement Options
7 Timelines and Constraints
8 SOPAC Director Work Programme
**Initial Tasks to be Completed
9 Proposed Schedule of Committee Meetings and Reporting
10 Other Business
2nd Meeting of the SOPAC Council of the Whole (SCW)
Banyan Room, Holiday Inn, Suva, 4th June 2008
1 Welcome and Introduction of Observers
2 Adoption of Agenda
3 Minutes of SCW01
4 Documentation
5 Actions since SCW01
6 Rationalisation-Beyond-a-Glance?
7 Roadmap for a Way Forward
8 Update on Timelines and Constraints
9 SOPAC Director Work Programme between SCW02 and SCW03
o Tasks to be Completed
10 Date of SCW03
11 Other Business
12 Closing
3rd Meeting of the SOPAC Council of the Whole (SCW)
Banyan Room, Holiday Inn, Suva, 16th July 2008
1 Welcome
2 Adoption of Agenda
3 Approval of Minutes of SCW02
4 Matters Arising
5 Update since SCW02
6 Consideration of Progress Report to the Forum
7 Consideration of Council Chair Covering Letter
8 Date of Next Meeting, Update on Timelines and Constraints
9 Other Business
10 Closing
4th Meeting of the SOPAC Council of the Whole (SCW)
SOPAC Secretariat, Suva, 16th September 2008
1 Welcome
2 Adoption of Agenda
3 Approval of Minutes of SCW03
4 Matters Arising
5 Consideration of Forum Communique on the RIF
6 Consideration SPREP Council on the RIF
7 Timelines and Constraints
8 Committee Report to Council, and recommendations for way forward
9 Closing
SOPAC 37th Session (2008) RIF Documentation
- AS37/10.1 Paragraphs 251 and 252 Proceedings of AS36 (RIF)
- AS37/10.1 Supplementary 1 - Governing Body Decisions of the PIF Leaders; SPREP and SPC
- AS37/10.1 Supplementary 2 - Abridged Summary of Legal and Contractual Issues Pertaining to SOPAC Should it Decide to Dissolve or Suspend its Operations
- AS37 (2008) Council Decision on the RIF
- Proceedings of the SOPAC 37th Session
Pacific Energy Ministers’ Meeting (PEMM2009)
Regional Energy Officials’ Meeting (REM2009)
Fa’onelua Convention Centre, Nuku’alofa, Tonga, 20-24 April 2009
Joint Meeting of SPC, SOPAC and SPREP Governing Bodies
Tradewinds Convention Centre, Suva, 7-8 July 2009
- a) Joint paper by CEOs of SOPAC, SPREP and SPC
- b) Memorandum of Agreement between the CEOs
- c) RIF Consultant’s Final Report: Part One
- d) RIF Consultant’s Final Report: Part Two
- e) A Legal Assessment of Options
- f ) Assessment of Financial Implications of Options
- g) The SPREP Preferred Option
- h) SOPAC Due Diligence Assessment of Options
- i ) SOPAC Director Presentation to Joint Meeting
- j ) SPREP Director Presentation to Joint Meeting
i) Joint SPC-SPREP-SOPAC Governing Bodies Summary of Decisions
ii) SOPAC Special Session Summary Record
SOPAC 38th Session (2009) RIF Documentation
Le Lagon Resort, Port Vila, Vanuatu, 21-30 October 2009
- AS38/10.1 Legal Implications (Revised)
- AS38/10.2 Financial and Administrative Matters
- AS38/10.3 Implementation
- 10.4 RIF Risk Management Framework
- AS38(2009) Council Decision on the RIF
- AS38(2009) Verbatim Record of the RIF Discussion
- AS38(2009) Summary Record of the SOPAC 38th Session
- AS38(2009) Proceedings of the SOPAC 38th Session
SOPAC Governing Council Sub-Committee? Meeting, SOPAC Secretariat, 23 February 2010
- Agenda
- Issues Paper
- SOPAC 38th Session Summary Record Vol-IV finaldraft
- List of Participants
- Summary of Outcomes
- Summary Record
Signing Ceremony for the transfer of certain SOPAC functions and activities into SPREP & SPC, 31 March 2010
- Signed Letters of Agreement
- Signed at Port Vila, 4 August 2010
SOPAC 39th Session (2010), the Commission's final Governing Council meeting, Tanoa International Hotel, Nadi, Fiji, 16-21 October 2010
- AS39 (2010) Approved Record of the SOPAC 39th Session
- AS39 (2010) Proceedings of the SOPAC 39th Session
The bulk of the work programmes of the Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission started operations from 1 January 2011, in the new Applied Geoscience and Technology Division of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC).
This update concludes the business and purpose of establishing this special RIF page on the SOPAC website.