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New Video Profiles The Division

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“Our intention is to provide a clear picture of the work that SOPAC continues to do in the region to build the resilience of Pacific people through better understanding of the risks faced, especially to natural hazards ” said Dr. Russell Howorth, Director of the SOPAC Division of SPC.

Dr. Howorth was speaking at the SPC/SOPAC Division Meeting held recently in Nadi where an 18-minute video profile of the SOPAC Division of the SPC was shown for the first time to the more than 60 participants, including 22 member country representatives. Copies were distributed to those attending.
“We clearly understand how important it is to ensure that our stakeholders, the island member countries better understand SOPAC programmes and how they are designed to address their concerns.

“Much of our communication strategy is to reach island governments, communities and individuals through the their country media.  The video is a part of these efforts,” said Dr. Howorth.

The video highlights Oceans and Islands, Water and Sanitation, and Disaster Risk Reduction, the three programmes that are the core programmes of SOPAC.

Dr. Howorth said that if the island countries are to achieve sustainable development risks must be reduced and resilience built.

But to manage risks, he said, we must gather data in order to be better informed and to better understand them. Without understanding the sickness it is extremely difficult to develop a cure.  

“And that is where we hope that the SOPAC video will help in providing a better understanding,” Dr. Howorth concluded.


CAPTION: Mrs. Litia Waradi, of SOPAC displays organization’s new video.

Last Updated on Monday, 31 October 2011 07:14  


The recently established PREEN (Pacific Resource and Environmental Economics Network) unveiled its logo today at a prize giving ceremony hosted by the IUCN in Suva. The logo depicts land, sea, fish, turtles and mangroves. Also included in the logo is a scene of traditional fishers at work.