SPC Geoscience Division

Improving Resilience with Aerial Imagery

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Source: https://hotosm.org/updates/2016-08-15_improving_resilience_with_aerial_imagery

Earlier this month Nate and I went to Suva to lead the kickoff meeting of the Pacific Drone Imagery Dashboard (PacDID) project funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. During the visit, we met and brainstormed with local geospatial experts and stakeholders around the issues of disaster management and aerial imagery. By the end of the week, we had a clear understanding of the challenges that Pacific Island Countries (PICs) face during natural disasters.

Our main local partner in this project, the Pacific Community (SPC), is a scientific and technical development organisation governed by 26 countries and territories of the region. Within SPC, the Geoscience Division supports member countries in every aspect of Disaster Management (DM), from preparedness, to response, to recovery. Their experienced staff provides geospatial and remote sensing services to many Pacific countries and directly works with ministries, non-government organizations and National Disaster Management Offices (NDMOs) before, during and after a disaster.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 August 2016 13:54

Pacific Community Maritime Boundaries Officer selected for International Leadership Program

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17 August 2016, Suva

The Pacific Community’s Emily Artack is representing Fiji in an international delegation participating in the prestigious International Visitors Leadership Programme on Law of the Sea and Maritime Security in the United States.

The three-week programme, which starts this week in Washington D.C., will include exploring how customary law applies in the South China Sea and the Pacific, assessing the roles of international stakeholders, observing interagency coordination and approaches to maritime security operations, and discussing multilateral policy and cooperative efforts in South China Sea territorial and maritime disputes.

The international programme will also take the 12-country delegation to Baltimore, New York, Florida, Seattle and Honolulu to meet with professional counterparts and explore various perspectives on the impact of the Law of the Sea Convention.

Last Updated on Friday, 19 August 2016 12:06

Strengthening disaster risk management in Palau States

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participant presenting

Koror, 5 August, 2016
Representatives from 16 States in Palau have completed an Introduction to Disaster Management (IDM) training course with Palau’s National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) to strengthen their capacity in disaster preparedness and response.

The three-day training (2-4 August), supported by the European Union funded Building Safety and Resilience in the Pacific Project which is implemented by the Pacific Community (SPC), aimed to assist the participants who will be the focal points when their respective State Disaster Risk Management Plans will be reviewed in order to be consistent with the recently drafted National Disaster Risk Management Framework.

“The strengthening of the 16 States Disaster Risk Management Plans is the way forward to ensure that the States can better support the victims in their jurisdiction before the national support can be mobilised,” NEMO Coordinator, Priscilla Subris said.

Last Updated on Friday, 19 August 2016 12:01

Pacific Community receives international recognition for geospatial innovation

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The Pacific Community’s (SPC) Geoscience Division is being bestowed the Asia Geospatial Excellence Award for Disaster Management by Geosmart Asia, a leading conference and exhibition for the Asia-Pacific region showcasing the capabilities of geospatial technologies for national development and industry growth.


The award recognizes exemplary innovation and practices in geospatial information and technology in the Asia-Pacific region.


“The Pacific region is prone to the vagaries of nature and geospatial information has proven to play a significant role in preparedness and mitigating losses. In such a scenario, the vision and initiatives of SPC’s Geoscience Division to promote geospatial information for safeguarding the region are commendable,” Geosmart Asia Pacific Vice President, Prashant Joshi said, in announcing the accolade.


Last Updated on Thursday, 04 August 2016 16:45

Cyclone Pam report released for Vanuatu

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tc pam

Port Vila, 22 June 2016

A reflection on what worked well and what could be improved upon in the Government of Vanuatu’s response to tropical cyclone Pam has been released today.

The Vanuatu Lessons Learned Report is a collation of recommendations and reflections from a range of local and international representatives to improve disaster response in the region as a result of the lessons from Cyclone Pam.  These recommendations were made during a workshop help in Port Vila in June 2015.

The Lessons Learned Workshop was funded by the European Union through its EUR 19.37 million Building Safety and Resilience (BSRP) in the Pacific project, implemented by the Pacific Community (SPC).

Last Updated on Thursday, 07 July 2016 09:15

Federated States of Micronesia pursue a common approach between disaster risk and climate change

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15 August 2016

A joint Environment Summit and Disaster Risk Management Platform is being held this week (15-19 August) in Weno, Chuuk, to address challenges related to the impacts of disasters throughout the Federated States of Micronesia.

The Office of Environment and Emergency Management (OEEM) is leading the event, joining these critical topics together to ensure a common focus and agreement is made on a way forward to address the vulnerabilities communities face in terms of disaster.

This timely national event is supported by the European Union’s €19.37million Building Safety and Resilience in the Pacific Project (BSRP) implemented by the Pacific Community (SPC) along with OEEM and the International organisation for Migration (IOM).

Last Updated on Friday, 19 August 2016 15:16

Marshall Islands begins drought-related Post Disaster Needs Assessment

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marshall drought

05 August 2016
Severe drought in the Marshall Islands associated with the strong El Nino, led to the call for a Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA).

The assessment is not only the first for the Marshall Islands, it’s also the first for the Northern Pacific and the first assessment of an atoll country worldwide and will involve a lot of learning for the nation, the Pacific and the world.

The PDNA is being led by the Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) in collaboration with the European Union, the Pacific Community (SPC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank. The official opening of the PDNA on Monday 01 August by the Chief Secretary of the RMI Government Justina Langidrik commenced the schedule of activities and was followed by a three-day refresher training program for RMI sector specialists.


Deep sea minerals frameworks to inform decision-making

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Noumea, 30 June 2016

Cobalt-rich-CrustsTwo frameworks released today will build knowledge of deep sea minerals and their governance, and support informed decision-making by Pacific Island countries.

They are the latest information resources developed for stakeholders interested in this emerging sector through the European Union-supported Deep Sea Minerals Project, implemented by the Pacific Community (SPC).

The Regional Financial Framework for Deep Sea Minerals Exploration and Exploitation is aimed at providing Pacific countries with a guide to the major issues to be addressed when setting up national financial frameworks.

Last Updated on Thursday, 07 July 2016 09:15

Pacific Resilience Programme launched

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Pacific Harbour, 21 June 2016

Pacific-ResilienceDelegates from the Pacific region came together today to officially launch the Pacific Resilience Program (PREP) – a series of projects to strengthen Pacific Island countries’ resilience to natural disasters and climate change.

The project was launched as part of a three-day workshop where participants from Pacific Island governments, regional bodies and project staff will receive training to support the implementation of the programme, which will include initiatives and activities related to early warning tools, risk reduction investments and financial planning for disasters.

“PREP allows us to work together with our Pacific neighbors, to take a pro-active approach to managing natural disasters in the region,” said Siaosi Sovaleni, Deputy Prime Minister of Tonga. “We are committed to strengthening Tonga against future natural disasters and being a partner in this initiative is an important part of that strategy.”


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“Our intention is to provide a clear picture of the work that SOPAC continues to do in the region to build the resilience of Pacific people through better understanding of the risks faced, especially to natural hazards ” said Dr. Russell Howorth, Director of the SOPAC Division of SPC.

Dr. Howorth was speaking at the SPC/SOPAC Division Meeting held recently in Nadi where an 18-minute video profile of the SOPAC Division of the SPC was shown for the first time to the more than 60 participants, including 22 member country representatives. Copies were distributed to those attending.