SPC Geoscience Division

Home Past Division Meetings SOPAC 2 Meeting 2012


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3 - 9 NOVEMBER 2012

2nd SPC/SOPAC Division Meeting 2012 (SOPAC-2)

SPC Headquarters, Noumea

Information Circular

Provisional Agenda


Meeting Papers

Star Call for Papers for 2012

The Meeting will run for three days (Wednesday 7th to Friday 9th November) and will be preceded by the SOPAC Science Technology and Resources (STAR) Meeting and a joint meeting of STAR and the Circum Pacific Council (CPC).



From The Manager's Desk

It’s hard to believe that we’ve already turned the corner on the midpoint of 2011 and will shortly be participating in the first annual meeting of the SOPAC Division – the newest within the Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

We will have some interesting feedback for you following that meeting but that is for next month’s edition.

This month we provide you with coverage on community level DRM training in Lau and Kadavu, Fiji, Pacific Disaster Net training in Samoa, support to Pitcairn Islands and initiatives.

There is an article on aviation safety training that SOPAC/SPC supported in collaboration with the Association of South Pacific Airlines. This particular initiative has been on the cards since 2005 and we’re pleased to be able to finally bring it to fruition.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Snapshots.

Mosese Sikivou
Deputy Director, Disaster Risk Programme

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