SPC Geoscience Division

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Director of SOPAC’s Address at the Opening of the Pacific Regional Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Training Course, Suva, Fiji

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12-23 July 2010

I would like to begin by acknowledging the Government of Germany for providing the resources for this Pacific regional training course co-hosted by the Government of Fiji and GFZ1 Potsdam1. SOPAC is happy to have been invited to assist with the logistical arrangements including the travel for the regional participants. I would also like to acknowledge other partners including Geoscience Australia, the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences of New Zealand, and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, in Noumea.

SOPAC’s work in the region in cooperation with Germany goes back many years indeed almost to the origin of CCOP/SOPAC in 1972. Marine geophysical cruise surveys utilizing the RV Sonne are well documented throughout SOPAC history. Regrettably, this direct assistance from Germany has waned. I am hopeful that this training course will re-invigorate those historic ties.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 July 2010 12:06

Improved water quality monitoring data management

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The Water Authority of Fiji (WAF) received training on the use of the Water Quality Monitoring (WQM) database on the 15th July 2010. The training was facilitated by the Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) at the WAF national conference room.

The electronic Access-based WQM database has been developed as part of the regional water quality monitoring and drinking water safety planning programmes of SOPAC and WHO. The database was developed for regional use in partnership with the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) and the New Zealand Ministry of Health and trialled and tested in the selected Pacific island countries of Niue, Cook Islands, Samoa and Marshall Islands.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 May 2011 17:13

SOPAC attends the PWWA Workshop

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The Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) attended the Pacific Water and Wastes Association (PWWA) workshop on benchmarking and matchmaking on the 6th and 7th of July 2010. The workshop was co-facilitated and co-funded by PWWA and UN-HABITAT.

As part of the Global Water Partnerships Alliance, UN-HABITAT are proposing to establish a Water Operators Partnership (WOP) in the Pacific, with PWWA as the facilitators.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 July 2010 11:30

Review of Kiribati Disaster Risk Management Arrangements

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The Government of Kiribati through the Office of the President requested SOPAC support to review of its National DRM governance arrangements this year. From 8th – 14th June, 2010 a SOPAC team comprising of Mosese Sikivou (Manager CRP), Tony Madigan (DRM Consultant) and Noa Tokavou (Disaster Management Adviser) visited Kiribati in order to establish a process for the review, undertake initial consultations with community and government representatives and collate relevant data and information. A meeting of the National Disaster Council was convened on 10th June at Tarawa expressly for the purpose of consultation in relation to the review.

The initial review mission revealed that there is a need to improve/strengthen the understanding of the links between disasters and development and to integrate disaster risk considerations more prominently within the development planning process across all levels – local (Islands Councils) sectoral and national level as well as to improve partnerships and coordination between Government ministries and non government organisations.  It is necessary to strengthen the institutional capacity of key technical agencies such as the Ministry of Works, NDMO, Met Office, Ministry of Finance (National Economic Planning Office) etc. to facilitate the increased performance of responsibilities in relation to a new DRM regime.

The second country engagement tentatively is scheduled for mid August and is expected to result in the presentation of revised DRM governance arrangements to the Kiribati Government.


Press Statement - Island Vulnerability

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In response to the recent negative press, particularly from the media outside of the Pacific islands, regarding the vulnerability of our islands to climate change and sea-level rise, the Director of the SOPAC Secretariat, Dr. Russell Howorth, convened a press conference to correct this misconception.

Specifically, these media (and others) have made reference to a recently published article in an international scientific journal co-authored by a senior staff member of the SOPAC Secretariat. Copies of the brief prepared by the senior staff member by way of a response were circulated. The response emphasises that the article addresses the ongoing change in shape, size, and position on the reef platform of 27 low-lying coral islands on four atolls over the past 19-61 years based upon studies of historic air photographs and recent high-resolution satellite imagery. In no way does it make sweeping conclusions that the vulnerability of our islands is reducing particularly with regard to predictions about future impacts of sea-level change.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 18 January 2011 07:10

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Wednesday 15 October 2014, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) – Suva, Fiji: UN Women and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) commemorated International Day of Rural Women with an event that showcased stories from rural women themselves and culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Through the MoU, UN Women and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) – European Union (ACP-EU)-funded SPC implemented “Building Safety and Resilience in the Pacific Project” (BSRP) will work in collaboration to ensure the different needs, capacities, constraints and social roles of women and men are included in the design and implementation of the BSRP project activities. It is also aimed at strengthening the capacity of the 15 countries that the BSRP works in.

UN Women’s Deputy Representative for the Fiji Multi-Country Office, Nicolas Burniat, signed the MoU on behalf of UN Women and highlighted the importance of including women and girls to ensure the sustainability of climate change and disaster risk reduction strategies. The ACP-EU SPC BSRP project aims to reduce the vulnerability, as well as the social, economic and environmental costs, of disasters caused by natural hazards in the Pacific.

Inoke Ratukalou, Director of Lands Resources Division and Officer in Charge at SPC, says the MoU will play a big part in ensuring gender mainstreaming across the project’s activities.