SPC Geoscience Division

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United Nations declares access to water and sanitation a universal human right: The Pacific could do more.

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Suva, August 4, 2010: Last week, by a vote of 122 countries in favour and none against, the United Nations (UN) adopted a resolution that saw the access to water and sanitation become a fundamental human right. It is, however, a right that many in the Pacific don’t enjoy.

The region’s access to improved drinking water and sanitation lags behind the rest of the world. About 46% of Pacific populations have access to improved drinking water compared to the global average of 87%. Similarly only 48% of Pacific populations have access to improved sanitation compared to 62% globally.

Last Updated on Thursday, 05 August 2010 18:39

SOPAC and SPC sign Letter of Understanding

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In Port Vila, at the Plenary Session of the 41st Pacific Island Leaders Meeting, Wednesday 4th August, the Director of SOPAC, Dr Russell Howorth and the Director General of SPC, Dr Jimmie Rodgers, signed a Letter of Agreement to transfer and integrate the core work programme of SOPAC into SPC as a new Applied Geoscience and Technology Division to commence operations on 1st January 2011.

Witnessing the signing on behalf to the SOPAC Governing Council was the current chair Vanuatu represented by the Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Honourable Edward Natapei. The SPC Conference was represented by the current chair Tonga, represented by the Prime Minister of Tonga, Honourable Feleti Sevele.

Last Updated on Thursday, 05 August 2010 18:06

Snapshots 60: Community Risk Programme July 2010 Updates

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Welcome to the July 2010 issue of Snapshots. We’ve come halfway through the year and the Pacific continues to be a hive of activity in DRM capacity building.

In this edition of Snapshots we provide you with an account of the work being done in the Cook Islands, Solomon Islands and Tonga. In addition, we highlight the first dedicated country-level user training for the Pacific Disaster Net which has just been concluded for Fiji. August will also reveal a lot of interesting initiatives which the CRP is collaborating on with its many partners and of course with Pacific island countries.

The major upcoming event on our calendar is the 2010 Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management which will be held from 9th – 13th August. In this year’s meeting we hope to broaden the membership of the Pacific DRM Partnership Network and also welcome back colleagues from the Caribbean that also attended the 2009 meetings. We’re certainly making good progress with South-South cooperation.

Later on in the year we plan to reveal more about the CRP as it transits with the rest of SOPAC into SPC. So, watch this space... .

Read Full Issue Here

Mosese Sikivou

Last Updated on Monday, 26 July 2010 14:00

Cook Islands Government approves establishment of seabed minerals task force

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Press Release: Deputy Prime Minister’s Office, Cook Islands, 23 July 2010

The Hon. Robert Wigmore, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister responsible for seabed mining activities has today announced concrete steps aimed at progressing seabed mining in the Cook Islands.

“The Government is totally committed to the development of our rich seabed mineral resources for the benefit of the present and future generations of Cook Islanders,” stressed the Deputy Prime Minister.  “To do that we must ensure that in the pioneering field of seabed mining we have in place sound developmental policies to guide seabed mining activities and regulations in force that will enable us to control and protect the wealth that belongs to the people of the Cook Islands as well as our marine environment before any exploratory or other mining activities begin.  It must be the Government and people of the Cook Islands that have control over seabed mining, not outside interests.”

Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 May 2011 17:12

Pacific meets in Palau to improve water management

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Koror, Thursday, July 22, 2010: “I’m not an expert, but I know that without water no one can survive. Even when scientists look for life on Mars the first thing they look for is water.” With these words Palau’s President, His Excellency Johnson Toribiong, opened a regional meeting on water management currently being held in Palau. He reminded delegates from 13 Pacific island countries that water is one resource that no one can take for granted.

“The availability of freshwater is important to the quality of life, and I will go further, it is critical to the economic development of every country,” Mr Toribiong said. “So I urge all of you to take this conference as a serious collective effort by all of us in the Pacific region to address these important challenges.”


Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 May 2011 17:12

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On Friday 18th June the SOPAC Director Dr Russell Howorth handed over 8 desktops, 8 laptops, a photocopy machine, Printer and Server to the Permanent Secretary for Provincial Development, Multi Ethnic Affairs, National Disaster Management and Sugar Mr Manasa Vaniqi in support of disaster information management in Fiji.

Present at the handover were the Commissioners for the four divisions: Central, Eastern, Northern and Western. Each division will be allocated a desktop and a laptop for use in their respective Divisional Emergency Operation Centres. A Memorandum of Agreement was also signed at the handover outlining the roles and responsibilities of SOPAC and the Ministry in support of the initiative "Strengthening Disaster Information Management Systems".