SPC Geoscience Division


SOPAC reviews disaster risk management in Kiribati

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SOPAC is carrying out a review of the Kiribati national disaster risk management governance arrangements following a request from the Office of the President.

SOPAC provides assistance to 19 countries and territories in the Pacific region through applied geoscience and technology.

A major part of the review was a three-day workshop attended by 29 participants from Government ministries, Non-Government (NGOs) as well as church organizations that was held in Tarawa recently.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 May 2011 17:07

Snapshots 61, Community Risk Programme, August 2010

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Welcome to August issue of Snapshots! We’ve just completed a very useful and rewarding series of meetings under the Pacific Platform for DRM 2010. This year the Platform consisted of the 16th Regional Disaster Managers Meeting (which took the form of a professional development workshop for the disaster managers) and the 5th Annual Meeting of the Pacific DRM Partnership Network. Many of the participants to both meetings expressed their gratitude and satisfaction with the opportunity to exchange ideas and to learn of the many happenings in DRM around the Pacific as well as globally.

Presentations from partner organisations from the Caribbean added to the rich diversity of the exchanges that took place.

One of the important parts of the meeting was the opportunity afforded to SOPAC to share its Strategic Plan with regional disaster managers. We look forward to their feedback to value add to the current draft. This will be presented to the SOPAC Governing Council for endorsement in October 2010.

I hope you enjoy this edition.

Mosese Sikivou

Last Updated on Tuesday, 18 January 2011 07:09

Caribbean delegation shares climate change and disaster experiences

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A delegation from the Caribbean that represented four Disaster Risk Management organizations recently visited SOPAC for a briefing to better understand the range of services and products that it provides the 19 countries and territories in the Pacific region through applied geoscience and technology.

The delegation was in Fiji to share their experiences with their Pacific counterparts as part of a South-South cooperation project between Pacific and Small Island Developing States on Climate Change Adaption and Disaster Risk Management funded  through and in collaboration with the UNDP Pacific Centre.

At a luncheon hosted by SOPAC they were briefed by its Director, Dr. Russell Howorth, and representatives from the organization’s three programmes, Ocean and Islands, Water and Sanitation and Disaster Reduction as well as Natural Resources Economics.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 May 2011 17:08

SOPAC GIS training in Tuvalu builds capacity

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Twenty-nine Tuvalu government employees successfully completed a 10 day training workshop in the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) conducted by technical officers from SOPAC from August 4 to the 17th  in Funafuti.

SOPAC provides assistance to 19 island countries and territories in the Pacific region through applied geoscience and technology which includes GIS training.

GIS is a relatively new computer-based decision making tool that stores and displays information in an image such as a picture or a map format. “This allows policy or decision makers to better understand technical data and contribute to providing improved management solutions,” said  SOPAC Director, Russell Howorth.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 May 2011 17:09

Protecting the Pacific: 2010 Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management Meetings address concerns of the region

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Mr. Mosese Sikivou, Manager of the SOPAC Disaster Reduction Programme, said that the meeting “allowed for better risk management training and capacity building programmes that specifically target the heads of disaster offices and the disaster management support structures in the Pacific.

“Tropical cyclones affect the region on an annual basis. Events like the September 2009 tsunami that devastated Samoa and Tonga, and floods that submerged Fiji’s Western Division in January 2009, are constant reminders that people and governments must be prepared to deal with natural disasters at a moment’s notice,” said Mr Sikivou.

With Regional Disaster Managers coming from the Pacific Island countries and territories of the Cook Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, New Zealand, Australia, and, for the first time, French Polynesia and Wallis and Futuna, the meeting took the form of a professional development workshop.

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 August 2010 08:45

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SOPAC and technical partners coordinated assistance to help four Pacific Island Countries make recent maritime sovereignty history. In April 2010, representatives from the governments of Papua New Guinea, Federated States of Micronesia, Solomon Islands and the Kingdom of Tonga made successful presentations to the United Nations for their respective extended seabed areas. These submissions are made pursuant to the 1982 United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea.

Two presentations were made in New York; the first was a joint presentation by the governments of Papua New Guinea, Federated States of Micronesia and the Solomon Islands for the joint Art 76 submission on the Ontong Java plateau. The second was a presentation by The Kingdom of Tonga for the south eastern area of the Kermadec Ridge.
The area claimed in the joint submission is for over 600,000 sq km of shared pacific seabed. The area claimed is larger than the combined land mass of the three pacific islands countries involved. It is also significant that for the first time, three Pacific Small Island Developing States have successfully worked together to conclude a joint MOU and submission to the United Nations.