SPC Geoscience Division


Snapshots 73 - DISASTER REDUCTION PROGRAMME - December 2011

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We get ever closer to the end of the year but as we do there are no signs of the DRM activity abating. All our teams in the Disaster Reduction Programme (DRP) here in SOPAC/SPC are knuckling down trying to get as much in before they take a well deserved break over Christmas and New Year.

After a long period we've finally been able to engage again with Nauru on a broader front and in addition to the EU-funded B Envelope Project, are now providing support to strengthen the capacity of the National DRM Office and will in 2012, be working closely with all stakeholders on a Joint National Action Plan for DRM and Climate Change Adaptation.

The Solomon Islands has also decided to develop a Joint DRM and Climate Change Adaptation National Action Plan and so combined with Nauru and Fiji, DRP working with partner organisations will have alot to do in mainstreaming work at least within the first six months of 2012.

Shortly we will also begin preparations for the 2012 Pacific Platform for DRM and as referenced in our last issue, will also commence the process of developing an integrated regional strategy for DRM and Climate Change which is to be ready for consideration by Pacific leaders in 2015.

I hope you enjoy reading this issue.

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Mosese Sikivou
Deputy Director
Disaster Reduction Programme

Last Updated on Monday, 05 December 2011 13:28

Regional Countries Urged Caution In Seabed Mineral Exploration

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With interest in the region for seabed mineral exploration intensifying, Dr. Russell Howorth, Director SPC/SOPAC Division has sounded a cautionary note during his opening remarks at the International Workshop on Environmental Management Needs for Exploration and Exploitation of Deep Seabed Minerals now taking place in Nadi from November 29 through December 2.  

He noted that this interest was not only within the sovereign 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Pacific Island countries, but also within international waters.

The workshop is being jointly organised by SOPAC, a division of SPC and the International Seabed Authority (ISA) to focus attention on seabed mineral exploration and to establish environmental needs in developing deep-sea mining strategies.

ISA has been mandated with signatories of 162 countries to manage the mineral resources of the international seabed beyond areas under national jurisdiction.

The importance of the workshop was highlighted with the presence of Mr. Nii Allotey Odunton, Secretary General of the International Seabed Authority who was accorded Fijian welcome ceremonies at the beginning of the proceedings.

Last Updated on Monday, 23 January 2012 10:44

GIS In The Pacific

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EVERY effort will be made to ensure that Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing are adequately resourced to serve the needs of the Pacific region, says SOPAC director Doctor Russell Howorth. He made the comment while opening the 2011 Pacific Islands Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing Conference on Monday.

"The goal of SOPAC is to apply geoscience and technology to realise new opportunities for improving the livelihoods of Pacific communities. GIS and remote sensing is clearly a technology which can contribute to realising improving livelihoods," said Howorth.

GIS is a computer-based tool used to collect, combine and overlay information in the form of easily understood maps constructed from up-to-date satellite images and field data, while remote sensing is the collection of information about the earth from a distance.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 November 2011 09:03

Welcome Remarks - International Wokshop on Deep Sea Minerals

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Welcome Remarks - Dr. Russell Howorth, Director – SOPAC Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community

Honourable Minister Timoci Natuva, Minister of Works and Public Utilities here in Fiji
His Excellency Dr Nii Oduntun, Secretary General of the International Seabed Authority
Distinguished Guests representing Pacific Island countries, and countries from around the world, academia, regional and international intergovernmental and nongovernmanetal organisations, and the private sector.
Colleagues and staff from the Fiji Government, ISA and SOPAC

Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 November 2011 08:54

Delegates from Pacific French Territories and Pitcairn Island, in Fiji to exchange ideas on water, sanitation and disaster management

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In a Pacific first, a delegation of 14 representatives from four Pacific Overseas Countries/Territories (OCTs) met in Nadi, Fiji for a meeting to exchange information and ideas on issues around water, sanitation and disaster risk management.

The exchange between French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis & Futuna, Pitcairn Island and Fiji reflects the growing interaction and increased closeness between Pacific OCTs and other Pacific Island Countries (PICS).

The OCT delegates toured Nadi to learn more about local activities to improve water, sanitation and disaster preparedness. They visited downtown Nadi to see the effects of the 2009 floods and also visited sites that are part of a Global Environment Facility (GEF) demonstration project, which aims to use Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) to reduce the impact of flooding in the area.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 09:22

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Pilot program to help governments respond to natural disasters

The Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu are all part of a pilot catastrophe risk insurance programme launched on January 17, 2013 to provide their governments with immediate funding if a major (natural) disaster occurs.

Japan, the World Bank and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) have teamed up with the 5 Pacific Island Countries to launch the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Pilot. It will test whether a risk transfer arrangement modelled on an insurance plan can help Pacific island nations deal with the immediate financial effects of disasters.

The pilot relies on state-of-the-art financial risk modelling techniques and is the first ever Pacific scheme to use parametric triggers, linking immediate post-disaster insurance payouts to specific hazard events.  This joint effort will allow Pacific island nations to access earthquake and tropical cyclone catastrophe coverage from reinsurance companies at an attractive price.