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Disaster Reduction Programme

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The Disaster Reduction Programme (DRP) provides technical and policy advice and support to strengthen disaster risk management practices in Pacific Island Countries and Territories. The Programme carries out this responsibility in coordination and collaboration with other technical programme areas within SOPAC and also with a range of regional and international development partners and donors.

The overarching policy guidance for DRP is the Pacific Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management Framework for Action 2005-2015 (Pacific DRR and DM Framework for Action) which supports and advocates for the building of safer and more resilient communities to disasters. The Pacific DRR and DM Framework for Action was approved by Pacific leaders in 2005. It is linked to the global Hyogo Framework for Action 2005 – 2015 which was endorsed by World leaders following the Second World Conference on Disaster Reduction in January 2005.

The other significant regional policy instruments that help to guide the efforts of the DRP are the Pacific Plan and the Pacific Islands Framework for Action on Climate Change 2006 – 2015.

View DRP Profile

Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 September 2013 18:19  


"Out of Darkness" documentary focuses on environmental impacts of deep sea mining.

Following the success of its first documentary "Under Pressure", the SPC-EU Deep Sea Minerals project has now produced a second 25-minute film that focuses on the potential environmental issues related to the extraction of deep sea mineral resources.

This new film, titled “Out of Darkness”, includes some spectacular underwater footage and interviews with leading scientists such as Dr Malcolm Clarke from NIWA, Dr Jim Hein from the US Geological Survey and Dr Ray Binns from CSIRO.

The film can be viewed on the Deep Sea Minerals Project website and free copies of the DVD can be obtained by emailing: [email protected].

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