SPC Geoscience Division

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Technical Support Services

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The five technical support services that cross cut the work of the three technical work programmes of the SOPAC Division are: natural resource economics; GIS and remote sensing; technical equipment and services; data management; and publications and library.

Natural Resource Economics

Natural resource economics is a relatively new work area in the Division, arising in response to Members demand for information to improve policy planning and convince donors of the value of supporting new initiatives. Accordingly, economic analysis is becoming increasingly critical to underpin project design and delivery, develop grant proposals and achieve advocacy. The work of the natural resource economics staff thus includes input to natural resource policy development and the economic analysis of actions through cost benefit analyses and resource use, especially mineral resource assessments. The outputs are used to underpin advocacy, awareness and effective policy development.

GIS and Remote Sensing

GIS and remote sensing are used to provide state of the art assessment and monitoring of resource status and use. Expectations have increased with improved technologies and data access over time, opening new doors to analyse and respond to resource use challenges. GIS/remote sensing services are delivered using modern technologies such as satellite imagery and global positioning systems, underpinning mapping and modelling of natural resource systems. The work includes not only technical support, but also technical training and capacity building to Pacific island stakeholders to enable Pacific Island Countries and Territories to develop and maintain their applications and data service. Methods and procedures will also be developed to adapt applications that run well in Europe, to meet Pacific needs and conditions.

Technical Equipment and Services

Technical equipment and services deliver an essential support function both in the field and in the laboratory to marine geoscientific and oceanographic surveys as well as land-based geological, geophysical and hydrological surveying.

Geophysical, oceanographic and geological survey equipment include instrumentation packages; echo-sounders; magnetometer; multi-beam echo-sounders; side-scan processing and data recording equipment; sub-bottom profiler systems; current metres, acoustic Doppler profilers, tide and wave gauges, temperature loggers, conductivity temperature depth profilers, winches and cable counters, seabed sampling tools, drilling equipment, real-time high end GPS positioning and geodetic survey systems, electrical resistivity and electromagnetic prospecting systems.

The technical equipment and services built up by SOPAC "the Commission" is, and will continue to be, a long standing facility, highly recognised in the region for its specialised expertise supported by a team of trained and experienced engineers:  geological technicians who assist with installation, set up, calibration and data acquisition providing support for the three technical programmes in their service delivery. It is the intention of SPC, through SOPAC "the Division", to further develop and strengthen this facility.

Data Management

Technical support will involve diverse and integrated services across the work programme to ensure that essential data management systems are operational and that the necessary support is available to underpin the delivery of the technical work programmes. The demand for data management technical services is continually increasing with the need for increasingly large databases to monitor and respond to natural resource use challenges. Demand for data management services also responds to the need to ensure effective information and knowledge transfer across the region. Accordingly, data management work will include development of systems and software to underpin information sharing and links across Pacific Island Countries and Territories and other key stakeholders, as well as technical advice to programmes, such as on the procurement of data management equipment.

Publications and Library

Publications and Library services will be maintained by the Division to publish and provide access to corporate, work programme and promotional reports and publications. The service also maintains a special geoscientific library for the Pacific Island Countries and Territories and staff containing a vast and unique collection of reports, charts, maps, seismic sections, research cruise tracks, cores and other data records from geoscientific surveys. As such it is the most frequently used entry point for enquiries regarding access to products and services, and is greatly facilitated through a user-friendly web portal.

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 January 2011 09:34  


Monday 17 June 2013, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) –  The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), with Geoscience Australia, has developed a computer model to help the Government of Tonga see what the impact of a tsunami would be on Tongatapu. Part of an AusAID funded project, the model makes use of high resolution data, the collection of which was made possible by Australia, the European Union, and the New Zealand Ocean Sciences Grant.

The new Tsunami Inundation Model shows that an 8.7 magnitude earthquake in the Tonga Trench would create a wave that would hit the eastern coast of Tongatapu within ten to twenty minutes, inundating most of Nuku’alofa.  Leveni ‘Aho, Director of Tonga’s National Disaster Management Office, says the new computer model has enabled the Government of Tonga to consider how the public would need to respond in a range of possible scenarios.

‘Nuku’alofa has, perhaps, the biggest urban population in the Pacific living in a very low-lying area. We can talk about Japan’s earthquakes but if we can present something that shows what is going to happen to us here at home, the message is much more effective.  For us, it’s an excellent opportunity to help communities to be aware of what could possibly come and what they will need to do if a significant event occurs,’ he says.

After the model was presented to the cabinet and the National Emergency Management Committee, the Hon. Prime Minister Lord Tuʻivakanō indicated that the government would need support to construct access ways to some parts of Nuku’alofa so that the local community can quickly get to safe areas.

Mr ‘Aho says the model is also helping the Government of Tonga to design emergency response measures and improve long-term urban planning for Nuku’alofa and its surrounding villages.‘The tsunami computer model given by SPC has provided the government with a wonderful tool to help us really understand the risks of different scenarios and to prepare in the best ways we can,’ he says.

Mosese Sikivou, Deputy Director of SPC’s Disaster Reduction Programme, says this project is part of SPC’s assistance to Tonga in connection with its Joint National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management, approved by Cabinet in July 2010. The work to develop the model is part of an integrated approach that SPC and other partners are taking right across the Pacific to try and maximise scarce resources and minimise duplication of effort and potential conflict in policy development.