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SOPAC Economic Publications

To date economic studies have been produced on a number of issues including:


An economic feasibility assessment of lagoon dredging in Funafuti, Tuvalu .
SOPAC-EU Technical Report ER0137.
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Household aggregate mining on Funafuti, Tuvalu.
SOPAC-EU Technical Report ER0132.
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Economic assessment of the true costs of aggregate mining on Majuro.
SOPAC Technical Report TR0383.
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Economic analysis of aggregate mining on Tarawa- Summary Report.
SOPAC-EU Project Report ER0071b.
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Economic analysis of aggregate mining on Tarawa- Technical Report.
SOPAC-EU Project Report ER0071a.
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Economic analysis of aggregate mining on Tuvalu.
Forthcoming SOPAC-EU Project Report.

Nauru Technical Report - Economic analysis of establishing a sub-regional aggregate supply in Nauru.
SOPAC-EU Project Report ER0126r

Feasibility assessment: Lagoon dredging on Funafuti
Angela Ambroz
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An economic feasibility assessment of lagoon dredging in Funafuti, Tuvalu
Angela Ambroz
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Disaster Management

Cook Islands Investment in Disaster Risk Management, April 2011
SOPAC Economic Report PR23 (Samatha Cook)
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Vanuatu Investment in Disaster Risk Management, April 2011
SOPAC Economic Report PR21 (Samatha Cook)
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Nadi Floods Economic Costs January 2009.
SOPAC Technical Report TR0426
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Economic Costs of Natural Disasters in the Pacific Islands Region - Out of Session Paper October 2009. Economic Costs of Natural Disasters in the Pacific Islands Region.pdf (51.90 Kb)

Ba Floods Economic Costs January 2009.
SOPAC Technical Report TR0425
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Summary.pdf (2.91 Mb)

Economic tools for flood risk reduction: bridging the gap between science and policy in Pacific Island countries.
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0696
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An economic analysis of flood warning in Navua, Fiji.
SOPAC-EU Project Report ER0122.
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Economic assessment of flood management options for the lower Vaisigano catchment, Apia, Samoa.
SOPAC-EU Project Report ER0069g.
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Economic Impact of Natural Disasters on Development in the Pacific Volume I: Research Report,
SOPAC-AusAID Joint Report JC0179a.
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Economic Impact of Natural Disasters on Development in the Pacific Volume II: Economic Assessment Tools.
SOPAC-AusAID Joint Report JC0179b.
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Disaster Risk Management in the Pacific: economic analysis and advocacy.
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0679.
Paper presented at the Inaugural Pacific Regional disaster Risk Management Meeting for Pacific CEOs of Finance/Planning and Disaster Management, 24-25 July 2008, Nadi.
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0679.
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Relationship between natural disasters and poverty: A Fiji case study.
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0678
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Reducing flood risk - from Science to Policy: The Samoa Process
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0693
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Disaster risk management in the Pacific: economic analysis and advocacy.
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0679
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Navua Flood Warning System
Michael Bonte-Grapentin, John Fenwick FagaFiniasi, RajendraPrasad, Joeli Rokovada, Paula Holland, Anthony Blake1
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Amataga Penaia, Ausetalia Titimaea, Jude Kohlhase, Filomena Nelson, Netatua Pelesikoti, Michael Bonte-Grapentin, Litea Biukoto, Allison Woodruff & Darren Lumbroso
download full report (4.4mb)

More DRM publications and information can be found in Pacific Disaster Net, the portal for Disaster Risk Management in the Pacific region. http://www.pacificdisaster.netexternal  link


Eonomic Feasibility of the SOPAC-CATD Biofuel Project, Nadave, Tailevu, Fiji Islands.
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0707
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The potential for Renewable Energy to promote sustainable development in Pacific Island Countries.
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0692
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Are renewable technologies a cost-effective option for promoting rural electrification in Pacific Island countries?
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0695
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The economics of renewable energy for rural electrification in Pacific Island Countries.
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0694
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Economic and financial analysis of the use of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) for household cooking in Nauru.

Potential for Liquid Biofuels in Fiji.
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0677
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Economic assessment of renewable energy options for rural electrification in Pacific Island Countries.
SOPAC Technical Report 397.
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A cost-benefit analysis of projects implemented to assist the black pearl industry in Manihiki Lagoon, Cook Islands.
SOPAC Technical Report TR371.
download full report (2.54 MB)


The DCCEE-IUCN project: assessing the social and economic value of climate change adaptation in the pacific region
Case study: water quality, quantity and sanitation improvements as an adaptation to climate change, Tuvalu – a preliminary assessment Federica Gerber, Paula Holland and Padma Lal
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LEAST-COST ANALYSIS OF WATER SUPPLY OPTIONS IN NIUE (Integrated Water Resource Management Technical Report) - SOPAC Technical Report 447 - September 2011
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A Preliminary Economic Assessment of Integrated Water Resources Management: Laura, Republic of the Marshall Islands
SOPAC Technical Report 438 November 2010 (Federica Gerber)
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Economic cost of watershed degradation - using economic tools to create incentives to protect watersheds on Rarotonga
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0697
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Simple Introduction to Cost-Benefit Analysis
Prepared for SPREP PACC Cost-Benefit Analysis Workshop: Food Security Pilot Demonstration Projects, Suva, 24-27 January 2012
Paula Holland
download full report (327kB)

A Pacific Regional Economics of Climate Change Study: Assessing adaptation needs in Small Island Developing States
Regional Economics of Climate Change: Practitioners Workshop
Angela Ambroz
download full report (415kb)

An Economic Assessment of Drinking Water Safety Planning Koror-Airai, Palau [SOPAC Technical Report 440 – Gerber]
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NIUE TECHNICAL REPORT: Economic Analyses of Bathymetric Data for Niue. SOPAC Technical Report ER0149
download full report (661kB)

Preliminary assessment of the economics costs and benefits of establishing the maritime boundaries of Pacific islands states.

Managing non-living resources in the Pacific through economics.
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0698
download full report (104kB)

Benefit-cost analysis for improved natural resource decision-making in Pacific Island Countries.
Paper presented at the CRISP Economic Workshop, 26-30 May 2008, Suva.
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0675.
download full report (1.92kB)

The Economics of Drinking Water Safety Planning: An Advocacy Tool
SOPAC Miscellaneous Report MR0714
download full report (1.8Mb)

Desalination in Pacific Island Countries - A Preliminary Overview
SOPAC Technical Report 437
download full report (1.2Mb)

Last Updated on Friday, 23 November 2012 12:48  


Source: Matangi Tonga Online. Republished With Editor's Permission.

The Pacific Islands need to protect their deep sea minerals, Tonga's Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Samiu Vaipulu told a Pacific-ACP States Regional Workshop on Deep Sea Minerals Law and Contract Negotiations that opened at the Fa'onelua Convention Centre, in Nuku'alofa today on March 11.

Representatives of 15 Pacific States are attending the week-long workshop.

Mike Petterson the Director of SOPAC, the Applied Geoscience and Technology Division of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), said today that the workshop will focus on the legislative and regulatory aspects of deep sea minerals.

He said the workshop is aimed at sharing information on a number of developments that SOPAC is working on, including developing legislation for the extraction of deep sea minerals. "What we want achieve is largely capacity building, as like any other economic activity, Pacific states are a little bit compromised by multinational and well-resourced companies coming in," he said.

"We need to know how to negotiate and drive a hard deal. We have to prepare ourselves as best we can by developing our negotiating skills, along with a network of people that we trust and know, and to work with industries and countries that we feel that will be responsible and want a long-term working relationship, and for our communities to benefit while the environment is protected as best we can."

Mike said some Pacific Island countries already had legislation for deep sea minerals. But it was a new thing for the Pacific Islanders to consider who has the rights to the minerals, who gains from it and how can we put in place a transparent system, while looking at the environmental issues, he said.

He said for decades the main issue had been the lack of knowledge as to where minerals are, what type of minerals are out there, as there are many deposits to discover in the ocean.

"But we are now at a point where there are few areas in the Pacific that have been identified to be attractive and that's a breakthrough. Now it is becoming an economic reality and to make sure that countries maximize the benefits, which is never easy and requires hard work so we want representatives to walk away armed with more knowledge and be aware of the range of issues we have to cope with," he said.