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World Water Day 2010 Address by the SOPAC Director Dr Russell Howorth Nadi, Fiji 26th March,2010

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World Water Day 2010

Communicating Opportunities and Challenges- Safe Water for a Healthy Pacific

Address by the SOPAC Director Dr Russell Howorth
Nadi, Fiji Islands, 26th March 2010

Your Excellency Ambassador Chin, Commissioner Western Joeli Cawaki, Distinguished Guests and School Children, Good Morning.

I would like to welcome you all to the celebration of this year’s World Water Day, which has the theme: Clean Water for a Healthy World. You may be aware that World Water Day has been celebrated annually since 1992 as an outcome of the World Summit on Environment and Development held in Rio, Brazil.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 07 April 2010 13:12

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Another month and unfortunately another major devastating event. We must all take a moment to remember those whose lives have been changed forever by the earthquake and tsunami that ravaged northeaster Japan earlier this month. The tragedy is quite immense and each day we hear and see stories that remind us of why we work in this area of disaster risk management.

In the region there have been a number of interesting developments as this issue of Snapshots will portray. In Papua New Guinea we’re into the home stretch in relation to a DRM Action Plan for Morobe Province. The work on this started last year and Waisale Naqiolevu, our man on the ground has an interesting piece on this.