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Home News & Media Releases Latest Snapshots 80: Disaster Reduction Programme: September - October 2012

Snapshots 80: Disaster Reduction Programme: September - October 2012

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Greetings to all our readers!

We creep ever so closely towards the end of the year and recently completed the annual milestone DRM gathering for the Pacific – the 2012 Pacific Platform for DRM in September. This year the annual Platform was combined with the Regional Water and Sanitation Consultations as a means to bring about a closer working relationship between the ‘Disaster’ and ‘Water and Sanitation’ communities in addressing the challenges of disaster and climate-related risk.

There is a special section in this edition on the 2012 Pacific Platform for DRM We may have turned the corner on the 2012 Pacific Platform but discussions have already started on the 2013 joint meeting of the Pacific Platform for DRM and the Pacific Climate Change Round Table. This will be a significant milestone event as we continue the work on the formulation of the integrated regional strategy for DRM and Climate Change which we plan to complete by 2015.

There is an interesting variety of stories in this edition covering some of our areas of work and I hope you’ll enjoy them.

Download Full Issue (1.7 mb)

Mosese Sikivou
Deputy Director
Disaster Redcution Programme

Last Updated on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 14:28  


"Rousing times are ahead in the mining and petroleum industry when the PNG Government created history by granting the first world deep sea mining lease to Nautilus Minerals Inc of Canada for the development of its Solwara 1 project in the Bismarck Sea."1

Go to the following link1 to read the full Papua New Guinea Post Courier 12th January article advising of the world's first mining lease for seabed mining.

"This marks an historic moment for nonliving resources development in the Pacific islands region", commented Dr. Russell Howorth, Director for Applied Geoscience and Technology Divison, SPC.