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Home News & Media Releases Latest Suspension of SOPAC Commission

Suspension of SOPAC Commission

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On 7 August 2012, Director-General [of the SPC] Dr Jimmie Rodgers, presented to a Special Session of the CRGA a joint letter signed between Dr Russell Howorth in his capacity as Director of SOPAC Commission and himself confirming the full and effective closure of the SOPAC Commission.

In advising the Special Session of this final landmark achievement the Director General commended Dr. Howorth, who was instrumental in the full and effective implementation of the RIF reforms as it related to the integration of SOPAC as the Applied Geoscience and technology division of SPC in January 2011.

The Director General advised the meeting that all the requirements for the formal closure of the Commission had now been completed with the finalisation of its closing audit. In this regard the joint letter was the final communication confirming the ‘Letter of Agreement of August 2010’ as fully implemented.

SOPAC Commission is now suspended in accordance with the decision of the last SOPAC Commission Governing Council Meeting held in October 2010.

Final SOPAC Commission flag lowering, and raising of SPC flag.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 13:04  


At the August launch in Suva of the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Projects Portal for Asia and the Pacific, host of the new portal, Mr Loy Rego, Deputy Executive Director of the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center in Bangkok, Thailand, emphasised in his opening address that, “The success of the system depends upon the usage by all partners for ongoing and proposed DRR initiatives, with regular input and update of project information.”

Launched at the fifth Pacific Disaster Risk Management Partnership Network meeting, this requirement for the portal’s success is being met. Of the 300-plus project information records in the DRR Projects Portal, more than 170 relate to the Pacific, and cover initiatives and activities of the Pacific Disaster Risk Management Partnership Network.