SPC Geoscience Division

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2013 Pacific GIS/RS User Conference Announced

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After last year's conference's resounding success, the Pacific Islands GIS/RS (Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing) conference committee is pleased to announce that this year's conference will be held on the 25th - 29th November, 2013.

The 2013 Conference theme is "Connecting the Pacific with Maps". The venue is yet to be finalized.

More details will soon be made available on the conference website picgisrs.appspot.com

Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 February 2013 11:14

New Director For SOPAC/SPC Division

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Prof. Michael Petterson has taken up his appointment as Director of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) succeeding Dr Russell Howorth, whose tenure with the organization officially ended on 31st January 2013

Before taking up this position with SPC, Prof. Petterson, who is from the United Kingdom, held a Professorship of Applied and Environmental Geosciences at the University of Leicester, from 2009, before which he was Director of Science, Skills and Facilities at the British Geological Survey for five years.

Holding a PhD in geology (1984) and a post graduate certificate in education (1985), Prof. Petterson is a chartered geologist, a chartered engineer, Fellow of the Geological Society of London, Member of the Institute of Materials, Mining and Metallurgy, life member of the Association of Geoscientists for International Development, Member of the Society of Economic Geologists, and he is a member of the STAR network.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 February 2013 11:35

Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Pilot Launched

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Pilot program to help governments respond to natural disasters

The Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu are all part of a pilot catastrophe risk insurance programme launched on January 17, 2013 to provide their governments with immediate funding if a major (natural) disaster occurs.

Japan, the World Bank and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) have teamed up with the 5 Pacific Island Countries to launch the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Pilot. It will test whether a risk transfer arrangement modelled on an insurance plan can help Pacific island nations deal with the immediate financial effects of disasters.

The pilot relies on state-of-the-art financial risk modelling techniques and is the first ever Pacific scheme to use parametric triggers, linking immediate post-disaster insurance payouts to specific hazard events.  This joint effort will allow Pacific island nations to access earthquake and tropical cyclone catastrophe coverage from reinsurance companies at an attractive price.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 February 2013 11:31

SOPAC Division Resource Economists Paula Holland and Anna-Rios Wilks support Cost Benefit Analysis training in Kiribati

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‘In country training is just what we need’

‘Cost benefit analysis is essential to make sure we do not waste government and donors' money,’ said Mr Terieta Mwemwenikeaki, Deputy Secretary of Office of the President, at a national workshop today.

The workshop, which is being delivered by SPC, SPREP and GIZ, is intended to guide government officers in how to do and use cost benefit analysis (CBA) in projects affected by climate change.

‘The workshop was originally requested by Fisheries to help guide which projects they should support,’ observed Mr Mwemwenikeaki. ‘However, this tool is useful to provide an evidence base to make the most of all our policies and projects.’

Mrs Kurinati Robuti from the office of National Economic Planning Office (NEPO) said, ‘NEPO is supposed to carry out a detailed CBA where necessary but often this does not happen since we have limited know-how about to undertake this.  We are grateful for this initiative.’

Marita Manley, Technical Adviser, Climate Change (GIZ) said that staff attending the workshop have been very enthusiastic. ‘The Government of Kiribati already has a national project appraisal template with a section on describing the costs and benefits of projects but it faces constraints in applying it. During the training, participants have already been discussing how to apply cost benefit analysis as a framework to help improve decision making and the quality of projects.’

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 February 2013 11:27

2012 Pacific GIS/RS User Conference - A Resounding Success

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“Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing is one of the fastest developing technologies no matter whether you are a provider, and developer or a user. And here in the region and for the benefit of Pacific island countries and territories we are all striving to stay at the ‘cutting edge of the technology.’  In this regard the theme of this Conference focusing on mapping Pacific resources is very timely”, said Dr. Russell Howorth, Director, SOPAC Division of SPC, in the opening keynote at the Pacific GIS/RS User Conference held at Suva last week.

The growing impact of GIS and Remote Sensing was very much evident by the record number of attendees and presentations at the conference. Around 300 participants, from the around the Pacific Region convened for the three and half days of presentations, workshops and discussions.

Current and upcoming trends in the geospatial fields such as LiDAR (light detection and ranging) Imagery, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), recent progress in vegetation and land cover mapping, improvements in satellite technologies, imagery classification and open source software were heavily covered during the conference.

The conference has been held annually in Suva for the Pacific region since 1999, is free to attend and jointly organized by Secretariat of the Pacific Community, University of the South Pacific, various departments of the Fiji Government, with support from GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), satellite data and GIS software companies.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 February 2013 11:30

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The International Disaster Risk Reduction Day in Papua New Guinea was marked at a special event organised by the National Disaster Centre of Papua New Guinea and supported by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC).  

Representatives from key National Government Departments, I/NGOs and Donor partners, UN agencies attended the commemoration ceremony.  School children from four schools in Port Moresby also attended the commemoration ceremony.