SPC Geoscience Division


Opening of 2nd Annual Meeting of SOPAC Division

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The Pacific region is known to be one of the areas of the planet that is most exposed to disaster hazards and now must also cope with more frequent and more intense climate change events. Regular occurrences such as flooding, cyclones and drought are being amplified by the effects of climate change.

The Honourable Henry Puna, the Prime Minister of Cook Islands, has graced the opening. He spoke about his pleasure at having been invited to the STAR meeting and the annual meeting of the SPC’s Applied Geoscience and Technology division here in Noumea. Since the start of the SOPAC, Cook Islands has benefited from its services as a member, and the country has had the pleasure of hosting its annual meeting three times. The Prime Minister who was invited also in his capacity as the Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum thanked Dr. Russell Howorth for his outstanding services to the region and to the SOPAC division.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 07 November 2012 14:52

Second Annual Meeting of SOPAC Division

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The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) Applied Geoscience and Technology Division will hold its annual meeting from 6 to 9 November 2012 at SPC headquarters in Noumea, New Caledonia. This annual meeting will allow geoscience officials from SPC member countries to meet and exchange ideas on issues of importance to the Pacific.

The goal of the Applied Geoscience and Technology Division is to apply geology, oceanography and other earth sciences, along with technology, to realise new opportunities for improving the livelihoods of Pacific communities. The division is structured in three technical programmes: Ocean and Islands, Water and Sanitation, and Disaster Reduction.

The conference will include discussions on important regional issues like mining of deep sea mineral deposits and management of the region’s fragile fresh water resources. But the division will also highlights emerging issues and opportunities with specific presentations on topics such as reducing the risk of storm waves and surges in the Tuamotu Archipelago, or the institutionalisation of disaster risk management training in Solomon Islands.

The media are invited to the opening ceremony on Tuesday 6 November at 8:30 a.m in the main conference room at SPC headquarters. The opening will be made by Mr Henry Puna, Cook Islands Prime Minister.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 06 November 2012 12:52

Drilling for Tonga’s Water Quality

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The first three of six boreholes planned for Tongatapu have been drilled to a depth of approximately 50 metres near the international airport and at the Mataki‘eua wellfield in Tonga.

Funded by the EU Disaster Risk Reduction Project in Eight Pacific ACP States (B-Envelope) and implemented by the Applied Geoscience and Technology (SOPAC) Division of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), the project is working closely with Tonga’s Ministry of Lands, Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources to bore holes that will be used to monitor water quality on Tongatapu.

Last Updated on Friday, 02 November 2012 11:49

New Divison Director Appointed

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Professor Michael (Mike) George Petterson has been appointed the new Director of SPC's Applied Geoscience and Technology (SOPAC) Division. He is expected to take up the position in the second half of January, 2013.

Professor Petterson will the the baton from Dr. Russell Howorth, current Director of SOPAC Division, whose tenure ends in January, 2013.


Read Full Appointment Announcement from Director-General, Dr. Jimmie Rodgers.

Last Updated on Friday, 02 November 2012 11:52

SOPAC 2 Meeting Papers

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6 - 9 November 2012


(All delegates to STAR and CPC meeting invited to participate as technical advisers)

Tuesday (Joint session with STAR and CPC)


1.1    Opening
1.2    Election of Chair
1.3    Adoption of agendaFrançaise
1.4    Explanation of working proceduresFrançaise


2.1    Director’s Report: IntroductionFrançaise
2.2    Report on KRAsFrançaise
2.3    Report on HighlightsFrançaise
2.4    Report on Emerging Issues and OpportunitiesFrançaise
2.5    PMEG reports - Cross Cutting IssuesOcean and IslandsDisaster ReductionWater and SanitationTechnical Support Services
2.6    STAR Chair Report


Narrative case study presentations by country representatives, SOPAC technical staff and/ or STAR delegates concerning selected activities conducted over the year

3.1    Ocean and Islands Programme 2011/2012 report

3.1.1    Summary ReportFrançaise
3.1.2    Full Narrative Report

3.2    Water and Sanitation Programme 2011/2012 report

3.2.1    Summary ReportFrançaise
3.2.2    Full Narrative Report

3.3    Disaster Reduction Programme 2011/2012 report

3.3.1    Summary ReportFrançaise
3.3.2    Full Narrative Report

3.4    Technical Support Services 2011/2012 report

3.4.1    SummaryFrançaise
3.4.2    Full Narrative Report






Presentations and consultations concerning SOPAC Division focus for the remainder of the current Strategic Plan period 2013 – 2015. This will include feedback on PMEG reports, commentary by countries, partner agencies and STAR scientists




Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 April 2013 11:09

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The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) are working closely together to consult stakeholders in order to identify and address concerns about the potential impacts of deep sea mining activities in the region.

As part of this ongoing work GSD, SPC’s Geoscience Division, is co-hosting a regional training workshop with SPREP on the environmental impacts of deep sea minerals activities from 9-13th December 2013 at the Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi, Fiji.

While no deep sea mining activities have yet taken place, this workshop is designed to collectively identify and assess national and regional environmental management needs and to develop a robust process for strengthened strategic planning and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA’s) before any deep sea mining activities occur. Two government officials, one each from the environment and mineral development agencies of each of the 15 Pacific ACP States, and representatives from Civil Society have also been invited.

This workshop is part of the ongoing work of the SPC-EU Pacific Deep Sea Minerals Project to build national capacity and greater public awareness of the key issues related to the development and management of deep sea mineral resources in the Pacific.