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Home News & Media Releases Latest The Asia Foundation : Grant and Financial Management Training

The Asia Foundation : Grant and Financial Management Training

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Ms Kathryn Hawley, The Asia Foundation's Director - Pacific Program welcomes SOPAC staff to the grant and financial management workshop. Manila based TAF staff: Ms Maricel Dela Cruz and Ms Cynthia Ramirez are pictured with the workshop participants.

The Asia Foundation conducted Grant and Financial Management Training this month for SOPAC as part of the Foundation’s commitment to it’s partners. The two half-day session were conducted by the Director of Finance and Administration, Maricel Dela Cruz, assisted by Cynthia Ramirez, the Grants & Administrative Assistant, both from the Foundation’s Philippines office. Their visit was coordinated by TAF’s Director Pacific Program, Kathryn Hawley. The training provided those who attended a greater understanding of how the Foundation makes and manages grants in support of project activities. At the end of the sessions, the participants, from both the finance unit and the community risk program, have a stronger appreciation and clearer perspective on how to more effectively manage grants – substantively and financially.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 25 May 2010 14:24  


With a history of 25 hurricanes, 21 volcanic activity events, three earthquakes and three gales in the past 26 years, Vanuatu has been able to document the impact of disasters upon the country’s development, and determine areas where future spending should take place.

At the recently held SPC/SOPAC Division’s 3rd Session of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management, the high-level discussions included disaster risk financing and a pilot insurance project.

As an immediate outcome of the Platform, a joint SPC/SOPAC Division - World Bank mission to Vanuatu has taken place to further develop these discussions. During his dialogue with the mission representatives, the Hon. Moana Carcasses, Minister of Finance and Economic Management expressed Vanuatu’s interest in participating in the pilot Pacific Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Programme.