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The Pacific explores the links between water and energy on World Water Day

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Did you know that 8% of global energy generation is used for pumping, treating and transporting water to various consumers?  Did you also know that most of the electricity generated in the Pacific Islands Countries and Territories is from water?

The links between these two scarce and important resources – water and energy – is the theme of this year’s World Water Day, celebrated globally on 22nd March.

Each year, World Water Day is acknowledged throughout the Pacific with the support of awareness materials prepared and distributed by the GSD Division of SPC.  This year’s theme draws attention to the vital role of water and energy sources to the sustainable development of Pacific Island Countries and Territories.

While energy is needed to pump, treat and distribute water to Pacific households, water is also an important energy source in several Pacific Island Countries, where the energy of rivers and streams is harnessed by hydro-electric facilities at the municipal, village and even household scale.

Solomone Fifita, head of the SPC Economic Development Division’s Energy Programme, noted the close linkages that exist between the conservation of water and energy resources.  “The choices we make every day on our water and energy use are closely related, and decisions on the supply, distribution, price and use of water and energy impact one another,” he said.

“In the Pacific, we’re making some great progress in developing renewable energy sources and demonstrating innovative water-saving technologies such as eco-sanitation, yet many Pacific communities still struggle to secure safe, sustainable and affordable energy, water and sanitation solutions.”

“This is why international events such as World Water Day are important to celebrate our achievements, while at the same time advocate on the need for greater efforts to improve the sustainability of our precious resources – including water and energy.”

World Water Day is being celebrated across the Pacific in a variety of ways.  In Fiji, activities kicked off yesterday in the town of Korovou, Tailevu, where local communities and students from nearby schools joined in games and exercises designed to explore the links between water and energy and the importance of these resources to future generations.

More information on World Water Day can be found at www.unwater.org/worldwaterday

Last Updated on Thursday, 19 March 2015 13:27  


Monday 13 October 2014, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), Suva, Fiji -  The Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) formed an Interim National Seabed Minerals Management Board (INSMB) on 2 October 2014. The board members, consisting of a small team of government officers and non-governmental representatives, are tasked by Cabinet to develop national policy and law for the appropriate governance of the nation’s deep sea resources. The Board will receive financial support and technical assistance from the Deep Sea Minerals (DSM) Project: a partnership between the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and the European Union (EU).

Old tales of treasure at the bottom of the ocean did not sound so fanciful in Majuro two weeks ago, when INSMB held its inaugural meeting to discuss the precious metals known to exist in the nation’s deep seabed.

INSMB Chairperson Rebecca Lorennij (Secretary for the Ministry of Resources and Development) thanked those at the meeting: ‘The RMI government and its people would like to thank SPC and the EU through the SPC–EU DSM Project for the ongoing support provided during the past few years.

The INSMB will now progress further with the national policy on deep seabed mining and the Seabed Management Bill before approval by the RMI government, a prerequisite to establish responsible governance and management of these resources.’