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Home News & Media Releases Latest Snapshots #63 October 2010 - Disaster Reduction Programme

Snapshots #63 October 2010 - Disaster Reduction Programme

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We have recently completed the final SOPAC Governing Council meeting which was held from 16th – 21st October at the Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi.

The major outcome of the meeting in terms of SOPAC’s integration as the Applied Geoscience & Technology Division of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) is that the Member Countries have decided that the SOPAC be suspended rather than dissolved.

This will allow for the reconstitution of SOPAC as an organisation in the future should Member Countries so decide. But, for the moment, we are all geared up to be a part of the SPC family and look forward to the challenges and opportunities that this will bring.

The SOPAC Council endorsed the proposed 2011 Work Plan & Budget and the SOPAC Strategic Plan 2011 – 2015 and since then the SPC Council (Committee of Regional Governments and Administrations) at its meeting held in Noumea, New Caledonia from 25th – 29th October has also done likewise.

So it seems we’re set to go for 2011. In this issue we cover the work that has just started in the Cook Islands in terms of the development of a Joint Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management National Action Plan. We also discuss the review of the Marshall Islands DRM National Action Plan and the development of their Climate Change Policy which we collaborated with the Secretariat for the Pacific Regional Environment Programme on.

We also discuss the launch of Palau’s 2010 National Disaster Risk Management Framework, Pacific Disaster Net User training in Solomon Islands, the renovation of the water office in Hohola in Papua New Guinea. We also provide an update on the World Bank/ Asian Development Bank/ SOPAC Risk Exposure Database with its last field surveys in Samoa and Tonga.

I hope you enjoy reading this edition.

Read Full Issue

Mosese Sikivou
Manager, Disaster Reduction Programme

Last Updated on Friday, 12 November 2010 11:45  


In response to the recent negative press, particularly from the media outside of the Pacific islands, regarding the vulnerability of our islands to climate change and sea-level rise, the Director of the SOPAC Secretariat, Dr. Russell Howorth, convened a press conference to correct this misconception.

Specifically, these media (and others) have made reference to a recently published article in an international scientific journal co-authored by a senior staff member of the SOPAC Secretariat. Copies of the brief prepared by the senior staff member by way of a response were circulated. The response emphasises that the article addresses the ongoing change in shape, size, and position on the reef platform of 27 low-lying coral islands on four atolls over the past 19-61 years based upon studies of historic air photographs and recent high-resolution satellite imagery. In no way does it make sweeping conclusions that the vulnerability of our islands is reducing particularly with regard to predictions about future impacts of sea-level change.