SOPAC Geonetwork

Monday, 14 June 2010 11:59 administrator

The SOPAC "Geonetwork" is an online searchable digital catalogue hosting a collection of the SOPAC's scientific information from the Pacific Region. The regional information storage and retrieval system was developed to enable easy, secure access to ocean data and relevant products and services for end users in the Pacific islands.

Geonetwork is a storage and retrieval system that was developed to enable easy and secure access to ocean observation data and relevant products and services for end-users in Pacific Islands.

The catalogue is maintained using the international ISO 19115 geographic information metadata standard which allows for better management and interoperability of geospatial data.


Geonetwork facilitates and allows the security\, accessibility and sharing of geographically referenced thematic information between different organisations and its guiding principles are:

The OIP has an ongoing commitment to data rescue, collation, storage, data cataloguing and digitisation and undertakes to make ocean data available to members  to support improved decisions.

Through this continuous effort the SOPAC geonetwork now holds a range of ocean data and relevant products such as regional bathymetry datasets, bathymetric charts, topography and technical reports, seismic data, coastal topography datasets and maps, marine and pysio-chemical datasets, maritime boundary information, sea level data (in conjunction from the Pacific Sea level Monitoring Project), regional marine scientific research cruise, satellite imagery, and scanned aerial photographs.

For more information contact:

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Ocean Information Systems Support Officer
Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 June 2013 15:11