SPC Geoscience Division


International Geological Congress 2012 - First Circular issued

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The IGC Planning Committee has issued the first Circular regarding the Draft program for the 34th IGC. Read the circular here.

This large and prestigious Geoscience World Congress will be held in Brisbane, Australia, from 5-10 August 2012. The scientific program will cover all aspects of the geosciences. It will demonstrate how geoscience knowledge and applications are contributing directly to meeting societal needs, for example through innovation in the resources and energy based industries, better informed land and water management, enhanced understanding and mitigation of climate change and geohazards, and building major cities and infrastructure.


All geoscience groups are invited to consider integrating their 2012 meetings into the 34th IGC, to benefit from the opportunities it offers for synergies and networking. There will be about 40 pre and post Congress field trips offered, and a major exhibition. The GeoHost support program for delegates from low income nations will be linked to participation in training workshops. The 34th IGC will feature a major Theme dedicated to geoscience benefiting low income nations.

The IGC Organising Committee seeks all feedback on the Draft program, including any proposed Symposia you would like to nominate, input to proposed Symposia, and also any volunteer Co-ordinators for proposed Symposia. Please note that there will not be a mail out of the printed Circular. Please pass on the information about the Circular to your colleagues in case they have not received the information. The Congress website www.34igc.org will be the main vehicle for dissemination of updated information.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 May 2011 17:02  


The recently established PREEN (Pacific Resource and Environmental Economics Network) unveiled its logo today at a prize giving ceremony hosted by the IUCN in Suva. The logo depicts land, sea, fish, turtles and mangroves. Also included in the logo is a scene of traditional fishers at work.